News list for "orbit"

Orbiter Finance will TGE on Trump Inauguration Day and announce its sponsorship of the Trump election

Orbiter Finance will TGE on Trump Inauguration Day and announce its sponsorship of the Trump election. The first donation has been made to the Trump WLFI smart contract through the Orbiter OmniChain interoperability agreement, and it has pledged to continue donating during Trump's election.

2025-01-20 07:20:10
Orbiter Finance 将于特朗普就职演讲日 TGE 并宣布赞助特朗普大选

Orbiter Finance 将于特朗普就职演讲日 TGE 并宣布赞助特朗普大选,第一笔捐款已通过 Orbiter OmniChain 互操作协议至 Trump WLFI 智能合约,并承诺将在特朗普当选期间持续捐款。

2025-01-20 07:20:10
Orbiter Finance Token (OBT) TGE will be launched on January 20

The Layer2 Cross-Chain Bridge Orbiter Finance Token (OBT) TGE will be held on January 20.

2025-01-17 10:33:33
Orbiter Finance 代币(OBT)TGE 将于 1 月 20 日 进行

Layer2 跨链桥 Orbiter Finance 代币(OBT)TGE 将于 1 月 20 日 进行。

2025-01-17 10:33:33
Arbitrum: Alchemy's $1 0 grant for builders of the Orbit ecosystem goes live

Arbitrum said on social media that Alchemy's $10 million grant for builders of the Orbit ecosystem has gone live, and developers interested in building the Orbit chain can take advantage of the fund and gain access to all of Alchemy's infrastructure tools.

2024-11-27 02:44:29
Arbitrum:Alchemy为 Orbit 生态系统的构建者提供的 1 000万美元资助已上线

Arbitrum在社交媒体表示,Alchemy为 Orbit 生态系统的构建者提供的 1000万美元资助已上线,对构建 Orbit 链感兴趣的开发者可以利用该基金,并获得 Alchemy 全部基础设施工具的使用权。

2024-11-27 02:44:29
Opinion: The Web3 market is still in its early stages and is seen by investors as a "lottery"

Artur Guliński, co-founder of Orbitt, said that the Web3 market is still in its early stages and many participants see it as a "lottery". This trend is particularly evident in the blockchain ecosystem where Meme has a significant impact. These characteristics are what distinguish Web3 traders from their less volatile traditional financial marekt peers at the moment. However, Guliński pointed out that more and more Web3 traders are moving from short-term strategies to long-term strategies, indi...

2024-10-20 07:42:09

Orbitt 联合创始人 Artur Guliński 表示,Web3 市场仍处于早期阶段,许多参与者将其视为“彩票”。这一趋势在 Meme 币具有重大影响的区块链生态系统中尤其明显。这些特征是目前 Web3 交易员与波动性较小的传统金融市场同行的区别。 然而,Guliński 指出,越来越多的 Web3 交易员正在从短期策略转向长期策略,这表明市场正在成熟。Guliński 还...

2024-10-20 07:42:09
Arbitra Orbit L3 ApeChain Launches Mainnet

Arbitrum released a statement on X saying that Arbitrum Orbit L3 ApeChain has been launched on the mainnet.

2024-10-20 05:14:10
Arbitrum Orbit L3 ApeChain上线主网

Arbitrum 于 X 发文表示,Arbitrum Orbit L3 ApeChain 已上线主网。

2024-10-20 05:14:10
Our country successfully launched a satellite Internet high-orbit satellite

On October 10th, today, our country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the satellite Internet high-orbit satellite 03 into the air, the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

2024-10-10 14:25:23
Arbitra now supports USDC as a custom gas payment token

The Arbitra Orbit chain can now use USDC as a custom gas token. This integration opens the door to building new types of applications, including those that require payment channels for a frictionless user experience.

2024-08-07 16:20:26

Arbitrum Orbit 链现已可使用 USDC 作为自定义 Gas 代币。本次集成为构建新型应用程序打开了大门,包括需要支付渠道才能实现无摩擦用户体验的应用程序。

2024-08-07 16:20:26
Modular Web3 development kit Orbital7 completes private funding round

Orbital7, a modular Web3 development kit based on Runes, BRC20, and Bitcoin, announced the completion of a private funding round, with the participation of Castrum Istanbul. The specific funding amount and valuation data have not been disclosed. Orbital7 aims to leverage and enhance Level 0 technology to facilitate the integration of various blockchain networks into a compatible ecosystem, unify user and developer experiences on different platforms, enable seamless asset transfer, smart contract...

2024-06-14 15:57:03

基于 Runes、BRC20 和比特币的模块化 Web3 开发套件Orbital7宣布完成私募轮融资,Castrum Istanbul参投,具体融资金额和估值数据暂未披露。Orbital7 旨在利用和增强 Level 0 技术,促进各种区块链网络集成为一个兼容的生态系统,统一不同平台上的用户和开发者体验,实现无缝资产转移、智能合约执行和去中心化应用程序使用并解决互操作性问题。

2024-06-14 15:57:03

7x24 Newsflash

05:56 2025-03-29
Michael Saylor:许多代币发行方并不想去中心化,而是渴望进入资本市场
Strategy(原MicroStrategy)创始人Michael Saylor表示,许多代币发行方正在“假装”进行去中心化,但实际上他们并不想去中心化,而是渴望进入资本市场。 数字代币的用例是用于创造资本和创新,不管是TRUMP币,或是Katy Perry、Joe Rogan这样的人去发币,无论是智能合约代币、还是实用代币(比如能让我访问网站上的音乐库),或者可能是一个...
05:34 2025-03-29
数据:排名前十的稳定币交易量已降至去年 12 月牛市水平的四分之一
3月29日消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,排名前十的稳定币交易量已降至去年 12 月牛市周期水平的四分之一。分析师认为,交易员疲劳、监管不确定性以及比特币供应量创下 7 年新低是关键因素。
05:10 2025-03-29
价值2.38 亿美元的ETH或面临清算风险
随着ETH价格下跌,这两位鲸鱼在Maker持有的 125,603 ETH (2.38 亿美元)再次面临清算的风险。 健康费率已降至 1.07 美元,清算价格分别为 1,805 美元和 1,787 美元。
04:58 2025-03-29
据 Cointelegraph 报道,以太坊期货溢价触及近一年最低点,交易员将其视为底部信号,市场或将迎来转折时刻。 同时,距离以太坊 Pectra 升级仅剩数周,投资者需重点关注两大革新:基础层手续费优化与终端用户体验提升。若升级能实质性增强网络竞争力,ETH 或将在山寨币市场中重拾领导地位。在此之前市场仍将维持弱势震荡格局。
04:37 2025-03-29
04:18 2025-03-29
Monad 宣布 Monad Madness HongKong 最终入选名单
据官方消息,Monad 宣布 Monad Madness HongKong 最终入选名单,共有 16 个项目将在 4 月 9 日进行分享,总奖金 200 万港元。 据悉,Monad Madness 是 Monad 推出的重要活动,这将是任何在其平台上构建项目的团队所能获得的最大舞台。活动将为每个比赛地点挑选不同的团队参与竞争,超过 60 家风险投资机构将观看路演,已表达的投资意向超过 6000 万美元。
04:03 2025-03-29
04:00 2025-03-29
金色午报 | 3月29日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:Vitalik、巴西、CFTC 1.Vitalik:应少谈论公共产品资助,多谈论开源资助; 2.特朗普:任何关税协议都将在4月2日措施生效后达成; 3.巴西某高级官员:比特币储备对巴西繁荣“至关重要”; 4.美参议员质疑特朗普WLFI推出USD1稳定币带来监管风险; 5.CFTC撤销两项数字资产相关员工咨询意见,消除数字衍生品监管差异; 6.David Sacks:FDIC让银行更容易参...
03:46 2025-03-29
03:39 2025-03-29
基于LayerZero的跨链桥Stargate在X平台发文称, 索尼旗下Soneium已在Stargate上线并加入其Hydra Chain网络,现将支持超过50个区块链上原生资产和OFT访问Soneium,以提升流动性和互操作性。
03:12 2025-03-29
Vitalik 发布《We should talk less about public goods funding and more about open source funding》的文章,文中指出“公共产品”这个文字有着百年的历史。 在数字生态系统中,尤其是去中心化的数字生态系统中,公共产品极其重要:事...
02:42 2025-03-29