On March 26th, the full chain liquidity distribution network StackStone announced the launch of Omnichain Carnival Wave One early access, during which users who activate their accounts can receive a 15% bonus for a period of 4 days.
3月26日消息,全链流动性分发网络StakeStone宣布开启Omnichain Carnival Wave One早期访问(early access),在此期间激活账户的用户可以获得15%的加成,为期4天。
According to official news, the full chain liquidity distribution network StackStone has announced the opening of Omnichain Carnival Wave One early access, during which users who activate their accounts can receive a 15% bonus for a period of 4 days.
据官方消息,全链流动性分发网络 StakeStone 宣布开启 Omnichain Carnival Wave One 早期访问(early access),在此期间激活账户的用户可以获得 15%的加成,为期 4 天。 用户将 STONE 存入 Wave One 可分享总供应量的 3%,本轮最高存款限额为 200,000 STONE。StakeStone 将在多轮活动中为激励提供超过总供应量 6.5%的 STONE。 据称,通过与 ETH 生态、BTC 生态以及各种新兴生态的合作,StakeStone 已经积累了超过 34 万...