News list for "omer"

CFTC Commissioner Goldsmith Romero will step down after the new chairperson takes office

According to Cointelegraph, U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) Commissioner Goldsmith Romero said she will step down from the commission once a new person selected by President Trump takes office. According to the report, after Romero's resignation, Kristen Johnson will become the only Democrat on the CFTC's five-member committee. Goldsmith Romero helped rebuild the CFTC's technical advisory committee, which was designed to guide the agency on how best to deal with the cryptocurren...

2025-02-26 06:08:10
美国CFTC委员Goldsmith Romero将在新主席上任后辞职

据Cointelegraph报道,美国CFTC(商品期货交易委员会)委员Goldsmith Romero表示,她将在特朗普总统挑选的新人上任后辞去该委员会的职务。 报道指出,Romero辞职后,克里斯汀·约翰逊将成为CFTC五人委员会中唯一的民主党人。Goldsmith Romero曾在CFTC帮助重建了技术咨询委员会,该委员会旨在指导该机构如何最好地应对加密货币行业。 此前消息,特朗普选择a16z加密政策负责人BrianQuintenz...

2025-02-26 06:08:10
Warpcast launches new feature that allows token symbols or CAs in the news stream to jump to the share of holders

Dan Romero, co-founder of Farcaster, said that Warpcast has launched a new function, and the token symbol or CA in the information flow can be jumped to the share of holders. If users browse to the token CA on the homepage information flow page, they can click to jump to the token detail page, including the share of holders associated with the Farcaster account and the value of the position, and can be exchanged for tokens.

2025-02-14 01:55:54
Warpcast 推出新功能,信息流中代币符号或 CA 可跳转至持有者份额占比

Farcaster联合创始人Dan Romero表示,Warpcast推出新功能,信息流中代币符号或CA可跳转至持有者份额占比。用户若在首页信息流页面浏览到代币CA,可点击跳转至代币详细页面,包括关联Farcaster账号的持有者所持份额占比和持仓价值,并可进行代币兑换。

2025-02-14 01:55:54
Story public mainnet Homer is live

Story Protocol, the Layer1 intellectual property blockchain, has announced the launch of its public mainnet, Homer.

2025-02-13 08:28:26
Story 公共主网 Homer 已上线

Layer1 知识产权区块链 Story Protocol 宣布其公共主网 Homer 已上线。

2025-02-13 08:28:26
Barclays analysts still expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates once this year

Barclays analysts still expect the Fed to cut rates once this year. "The current risk is that the Fed will not cut rates this year," they said in a client note. "To some extent, we place more emphasis on the non-benchmark scenario where interest rate hikes enter the discussion." (Jin Ten)

2025-02-13 03:04:36
Robinhood to Launch US Stock Options Trading Service to UK Clients

Robinhood, a US fintech company, is launching its US stock options trading service to UK customers and plans to expand further to tax-free accounts (ISAs) in the UK in the coming period. Jordan Sinclair, president of Robinhood UK, said customers have been clamouring for options trading since the company launched its service in the UK last year. He pointed out that options contracts that customers can trade include NVIDIA, Tesla stock options and S & P 500 index options. These transactions are st...

2025-02-11 12:53:50
Nethermind: New version will support World Chain

Ethereum ecosystem developer Nethermind client side update, World's blockchain World Chain is now supported by Nethermind. After rigorous testing, debugging and fine-tuning, optimal performance is ensured. The upcoming version will provide full support.

2025-02-11 12:35:30
Sources: OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sultskvi's new artificial intelligence start-up company will be valued at more than $20 billion in a new round of financing.

Sources: OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sultskvi's new artificial intelligence start-up company will be valued at more than $20 billion in a new round of financing.

2025-02-07 15:36:09
The US government's Department of Efficiency has been in contact with a number of public blockchain projects

According to Zoomer, the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency has reached out to a number of public blockchain projects to conduct a technical evaluation of these companies, including the use of blockchain to track federal spending, secure data, make payments, and even manage buildings.

2025-01-25 15:42:29


2025-01-25 15:42:29
Coinbase: Solana transaction delays are being addressed, and user funds are safe

Coinbase says it is addressing the issue of latency experienced by customers using the Solana blockchain on Coinbase due to increased transaction activity. User funds are safe and action is currently being taken to resolve this issue as soon as possible. To get users access to funds as quickly as possible, Coinbase is processing all pending on-chain Solana sends, and funds for these transactions will be credited to your account shortly. Users can retry sending, and Coinbase wants to be able to p...

2025-01-22 01:24:51
Korean regulators have suspended Upbit's business, and existing user transactions can still proceed normally

On January 16, it was reported that Upbit, the largest cryptocurrency trading platform in South Korea, received a notice of business suspension from the financial regulator for violating the customer confirmation system (KYC) and failing to fulfill its anti-money laundering obligations. According to the news from the financial industry on the 16th, the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIU) of the Financial Commission issued a pre-notice to Upbit on the 9th of this month on the content of sa...

2025-01-16 08:58:44
JPMorgan's share of long Treasury clients rose to its highest level in more than a year

JPMorgan's Treasury client survey showed that bears rose 6 percentage points in the week to January 6, bulls rose 8 percentage points and neutral fell 14 percentage points. The survey of all clients showed that bulls rose to their highest level since December 4, 2023, while neutral fell to its lowest level since December 4, 2023.

2025-01-07 13:55:12

7x24 Newsflash

08:48 2025-03-14
08:45 2025-03-14
Matrixport:全球流动性改善,但 Meme 币市场仍未显复苏迹象,比特币风险依然存在
3月14日消息,Matrixport 报告披露,尽管近期美元走弱推动全球流动性指标回升,通胀数据也略有改善,但加密货币市场中的模因币板块仍表现低迷,未显复苏迹象。 报告指出,山寨币市场在 2024 年 12 月初达到顶峰后开始下滑,模因币泡沫在今年 1 月破裂,导致加密货币市场总市值从 3.6 万亿美元减少至 2.6 万亿美元。 基于 Solana 的 P...
08:39 2025-03-14
08:38 2025-03-14
08:37 2025-03-14
08:36 2025-03-14
08:35 2025-03-14
08:32 2025-03-14
08:27 2025-03-14
Zhu Su 指控 FTX 在 2022 年 5 月未经授权出售其资产
三箭资本联合创始人Zhu Su 在 X 发文表示,FTX 交易所在 2022 年 5 月未经授权将三箭资本存放在该平台的大量加密货币兑换成美元。 Zhu Su 强调这些资产并非"借给" FTX,该交易所无权处置这些资金。Zhu Su还表示不应该赦免 Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF),并呼吁将其监禁 250 年。
08:23 2025-03-14
08:21 2025-03-14 获迪拜 VARA 颁发的许可证 于今日获得迪拜虚拟资产监管局(VARA)颁发的有限许可证,允许其在阿联酋提供衍生品交易服务。 此许可将使 能够在区域市场推出期货合约、永续互换合约和差价合约(CFD)等衍生品产品。公司计划首先向全球合格机构开放这些产品,随后将向合格投资者提供服务。该许可还为 零售用户提供美元法币通道,用户可通过渣打银行进行美元存取款。
08:19 2025-03-14
港股收评:恒指强势回升盘中一度涨逾600点 内险、医药股表现亮眼