The US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the UK's Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) last week jointly imposed sanctions on key members of the ransomware gang Evil Corp. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice released an indictment alleging that a member of Evil Corp deployed the BitPaymer ransomware within the United States. It is reported that the Evil Corp group developed and distributed...
The US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has announced sanctions against Cambodian tycoon Ly Yong Phat and several of his businesses, including conglomerate LYP Group and its four hotels in Cambodia. One of Ly's sanctioned hotels, O-Smach Resort, is notorious for being used as a residence for human trafficking victims from across Asia who are forced to work in hog slaughter scams. Partner B of the Chicago law firm Ropes & Gray...
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department has announced sanctions against six entities located in Liberia, India, Vietnam, Lebanon, and Kuwait. According to the announcement, sanctioned entities are suspected of promoting the transportation of goods and financial transactions, including providing cryptocurrency to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard's Holy City Forces (IRGC-QF), the Hussein armed forces, and Hezbollah. This includes Tawfiq Muhammad Sa'id al Law, a Syr...
美国财政部外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC)宣布对位于利比里亚、印度、越南、黎巴嫩和科威特的六个实体实施制裁。 根据该公告,受制裁实体涉嫌促进商品运输和金融交易,包括为伊斯兰革命卫队圣城部队(IRGC-QF)、胡塞武装和真主党提供加密货币。其中包括位于黎巴嫩的叙利亚货币兑换商Tawfiq Muhammad Sa'id al-Law。 财政部特别表示,Sa'id al-Law向真主党提供了数字钱包,...
Od美国财政部外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)周一对13家实体和两名个人进行了制裁,原因是他们通过建立与加密货币相关的服务,为俄罗斯国民逃避制裁提供了便利。 OFAC在一份声明中指出,周一受到制裁的许多个人和实体为交易提供便利,或提供服务,帮助其他被点名的实体逃避制裁。 “俄罗斯正越来越多地转向其他支付机制,以规避美国的制裁,继续为其对乌克兰的战争提供资金,”负责恐怖主义和金融情报的副财长Brian E. Nelson在声明中说道。 Nelson补充称,财政部将继续“揭露和破坏那些试图帮助受制裁的俄罗斯金