News list for "odin"

比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards宣布战略投资

3月15日消息,比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards宣布战略投资由Bioniq创始人Bob Bodily推出比特币Meme币快速交易平台,具体投资金额暂未披露,新资金拟用于支持推动比特币链上DeFi发展,据悉交易完成后Odin.fun仍将保持独立运营并继续由Bob Bodily负责领导。 此前消息,Taproot Wizards宣布拟拍卖2121枚NFT募资3400万美元,该项目去年出售了3,000只“量子猫”,以筹集对比特币改进提案(BIP...

2025-03-15 11:18:29
ODIN.FUN founder: Platform has not been hacked

ODIN.FUN co-founder Bob Bodily posted a statement to the official Telegram community: 1, ODIN.FUN not hacked; 2. BTC deposits are paid 1:1 in Odin. 3. We will release more information on the Twitter platform as soon as possible.

2025-03-07 06:50:08

ODIN.FUN联合创始人Bob Bodily在官方Telegram社群发布声明: 1、ODIN.FUN没有被黑客攻击; 2、BTC存款在Odin中均1:1备付; 3、将尽快在推特平台发布更多讯息。

2025-03-07 06:50:08 suspected of being hacked, users need to pay attention to asset safety

On March 7th, according to feedback from community members, a deposit of 74 BTC yesterday did not record the corresponding transaction hash on the mainnet. At present, there are only 88 BTC left in the existing deposit on the Odin platform, and the platform may have been hacked. In addition, crypto KOL Yuyue said that the platform funds cannot be withdrawn for the time being.

2025-03-07 06:32:02 疑似被黑,用户需注意资产安全

3月7日消息,据社区成员反馈,昨日一笔 74 枚 BTC 的存款在主网上并未记录到对应的交易哈希(hash),目前 Odin 平台的现有存款仅剩 88 枚 BTC,平台或已遭到黑客攻击。此外,加密KOL Yuyue 表示平台资金暂时无法提取出来。

2025-03-07 06:32:02
Bitcoin network rune DEX platform OdinSwap has announced the suspension of operations

According to the official news, the Bitcoin network rune DEX platform OdinSwap has announced that both the rune startup platform Valhalla will gradually cease operations, and all user funds are safe. OdinSwap, as well as Valhalla, will operate until February 28, 2025. Users are advised to withdraw their funds before February 28. After February 28, any unclaimed balance will be refunded manually, subject to the appropriate BTC network fee. Refunds will be processed manually and may take up to one...

2025-02-20 07:02:02

据官方消息,比特币网络符文DEX平台OdinSwap宣布和符文启动平台Valhalla均将逐步停止运营,所有用户资金都是安全的。 OdinSwap以及Valhalla将一直运营到2025年2月28日,建议用户在2月28日之前提取资金,2月28日之后,将对任何未领取的余额进行人工退款,但需支付适当的BTC网络费用。退款将通过手动处理,最多可能需要一个月才能完成。仅对超过网络费用的余额进行退款。

2025-02-20 07:02:02
OKX Web3 wallet has been launched first FB_Ordinals market page

According to the official news, OKX Web3 wallet has now been launched FB_Odinals market page, and will open the trading and inscription function of Fractal BRC-20 and Ordinals collection for the first time after the activation of Fractal Bitcoin Ordinals protocol. It is reported that OKX Web3 wallet has been launched on the Ordinals market and Atomicals market, which is completely decentralized and free of platform service fees. Users can experience it immediately by updating the OKX Web3 plug-i...

2024-09-15 13:59:10
OKX Web3 钱包已率先上线 FB_Ordinals 市场页面

据官方消息,OKX Web3 钱包现已上线 FB_Odinals 市场页面,并将在 Fractal Bitcoin Ordinals 协议激活后,第一时间开放 Fractal 链 BRC-20 和 Ordinals 合集的交易及铭刻功能。 据悉,OKX Web3 钱包此前已上线 Ordinals 市场和 Atomicals 市场,完全去中心化且交互免平台服务费。用户更新 OKX Web3 插件钱包至最新 3.21.0 版本,即可立即体验。

2024-09-15 13:59:10
Russian Duma President Volodin: US supports arrest of Durov in France without providing evidence

President of the Russian Duma Volodin: The United States supports the arrest in France of Pavel Durov, CEO of the social platform Telegram, without providing evidence.

2024-08-27 05:04:38
OpenZeppelin and Axelar will partner to develop open-source resources for cross-chain communication

OpenZeppelin, a coding and deployment company for smart contracts and on-chain applications, and Axelar start-up developer Interop Labs announced a collaboration to "create an open source developer resource for cross-chain communication". According to the team: "Enhancing interoperability between the Ethereum L2 network and Axelar connected chains through a new contract library allows developers to seamlessly build connected applications."

2024-08-21 12:43:17
Chinese user survey report: Binance's penetration rate among Chinese crypto users reached 96.72%

On August 19th, Shenchao Techflow released the report "Decoding Chinese Crypto Users: Entering the Most Authentic Market Preferences, Trading Habits, and Industry Beliefs". According to the data collected from 2053 valid questionnaires, Binance has an outstanding competitive advantage in the competition of centralized exchanges in the Chinese-speaking community. According to the results of the survey data, Binance is the most frequently used centralized exchange among the respondents, with 96.72...

2024-08-19 12:31:49
CBOT soybeans rise due to flooding in the northern Midwest

Gold Ten Futures, June 25, according to foreign media reports, on Monday, the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) soybean futures closed higher, of which the base period closed about 0.9% higher, because of the weekend after the thunderstorm in the northern part of the US Midwest suffered flooding. Analysts said that the weekend storm swept through the Midwest, Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin parts of the flood, threatening soybean crops. One analyst said that the impact of flooding on soybean crops is ...

2024-06-24 23:50:47

7x24 Newsflash

03:24 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据Monad联创Keone Hon,目前Monad测试网上最大合约规模已增加至128kb(以太坊的限制为24.5kb)。
03:02 2025-03-16
Deribit亚太商务负责人Lin姐在社交媒体表示,本周美国现货以太坊ETF净流出总额达1.899亿美元,共减持99266.82枚ETH。其中贝莱德减持33776.47枚,富达减持31,695.05枚,抛压沉重。ETH价格已跌破2000美金大关,ETH/BTC汇率也在不断下探,当前仅 0.0229。
03:02 2025-03-16
02:44 2025-03-16
Kaito AI创始人:攻击官方X账户的黑客疑似已获利近100万美元
Kaito AI创始人Yu Hu在X平台发文称,根据相关线索显示,攻击Kaito AI官推和本人X账户的黑客疑似与此前攻击@tier10k的黑客有关,该黑客通过在Hyperliquid上开仓交易获利近100万美元。不过,KAITO钱包和代币供应量均没有受到影响,一切情况都很奇怪,没有新的X登录通知、整个过程中个人账户和KAITO账户均为退出,目前情况仍在调查中。
02:40 2025-03-16
02:24 2025-03-16
深圳提高住房公积金贷款额度 最高额度提高至231万元
02:11 2025-03-16
据余烬监测,某鲸鱼/机构最近2天里又通过一个地址从Binance里提出了36.5万枚AUCTION(962万美元)。现在,他们已经通过4个地址累计从Binance里提出了总量25%的AUCTION(186.6万枚),价值4940万美元。巨量AUCTION被他们提取后,现在Binance地址里的AUCTION只有9%(70.6万枚)了。 余烬表示,这种大量提出的代币,后续往往伴随着比较大的价格波动(爆拉或爆跌)。之前的样本有TRB、BLZ之类的。
02:02 2025-03-16
巴基斯坦政府成立巴基斯坦加密货币委员会(PCC),负责监督区块链技术和数字资产在该国金融领域的整合和使用。PCC 的议程包括制定明确的加密货币采用监管指南、与国际加密货币和区块链组织合作以及促进负责任的创新。该委员会还将通过健全的法律和合规框架关注消费...
01:56 2025-03-16
【“3·15晚会”后各方回应情况汇总】官方通报:1. 湛江:连夜检查“保水虾仁”。<b...
【“3·15晚会”后各方回应情况汇总】官方通报:1. 湛江:连夜检查“保水虾仁”。2. 成都回应:借贷宝平台运营已暂停。3. 贵州贵阳:部署检查“非标”电线电缆问题。4. 连云港市场监管回应增重虾仁:已成立联合调查组。5. 济宁市联合调查组:翻新卫生巾企业负责人被控制。6. 工业和信息化部连夜部署查处“3·15”晚会曝光问题。7. 广西成立联合工作组调查“非标电线电缆”涉事企业。8. 天津连夜调查处置被曝光的“人人信”等相关企业问题。9. 商丘通报“一次性内裤未经灭菌”问题:对涉事企业进行查封。10. 市场监管总局连夜部署全面彻查3·15晚会曝光的市场监管领域违法行为。11. 济南:天桥人民医院存在擅自使用细胞治疗肿瘤行为,将依据调查结果严肃处理。上市公司 :1. 浪莎股份收到监管工作函。2. 全棉时代母公司稳健医疗收到深交所关注函。3. “自由点”卫生巾母公司百亚股份收到深交所关注函。企业回应:1. 苏菲:曝光的包装产品非公司生产,将配合打击。2. 飞鸽云通信:在客户监管和服务管理方面存在不足。3. 啄木鸟家庭维修平台:放弃“公关”,每天公开一项整改进展。4. 嫚熙:与相关涉事违法企...
01:50 2025-03-16
01:38 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据The Kobeissi Letter分析,美国货币供应量增长正在加速:1月份M2货币供应量同比增长3.9%,为30个月以来的最快增速。同时,这是货币供应量连续第11个月扩张。 美元流通量已达到21.6万亿美元,仅比2022年4月创下的历史最高水平低160亿美元。与此同时,全球货币供应量在过去2个月内增加了约2.0万亿美元,达到2024年9月以来的最高水平。
01:38 2025-03-16