Nischal Shetty, co-founder of Indian crypto trading platform WazirX, posted a security incident update saying, "The question is, do we want to resolve the issue quickly, or do we want to keep fighting and drag this out for years. Those with no vital interests will spread hate and want you to sabotage the quick fix we are working on. Some people who don't have a WazirX account at all are trying to sabotage the process of a quick fix by making up false stories and narratives. Every week, we bring ...
On July 31st, WazirX co-founder Nischal Shetty said that the exchange is seeking help from other exchanges in response to the $230 million hack that took place earlier this month, which accounted for almost 45% of customer funds. Shetty said that all possible options are under consideration, and stressed that it is crucial to turn to other exchanges for help.
On July 27th, WazirX co-founder Nischal wrote in X that the fastest way to re-open the API for operation is to socialize the loss of the entire crypto portfolio. INR wallet balances will not be affected. This section...
On July 25th, in response to the recent security incident, Nischal Shetty, co-founder of WazirX, said on the X platform: "We are working on the implementation of voting. Aim to complete and review it today, and then go live today or tomorrow. If the voting results are positive, we will also confirm with the legal department how long the platform will be open and when it will be available. Our goal is to generate a share of the value of our cryptocurrency portfolio...
WazirX team member Nischal posted on X that the team is actively working on the next steps, including: A bounty program is being prepared to assist in the freezing/recovery of stolen assets. 2. For further discussions on the continued tracking of financial flows, industry experts have been contacted. 3. All other exchanges have been notified. Some have responded, some have not, and follow-up is ongoing; 4. Analyze the data to understand the extent of damage. 5. Committed to further enforcement a...