According to PRNewswire, Canaan Technology released the monthly update information of unaudited bitcoin mining business as of January 31, 2025, which disclosed that the mining output in January 2025 was 88 bitcoins, and the number of bitcoins held on the balance sheet of Canaan Technology at the end of the month was 1,319. The computing power deployed at the end of the month was~ 6.43 EH/s, and the operating computing power at the end of the month was~ 5.53 EH/s.
据PRNewswire报道,嘉楠科技发布截至2025年1月31日未经审计的比特币挖矿业务月度更新信息,其中披露2025年1月挖矿产出88枚比特币,月末嘉楠科技资产负债表上持有的比特币数量为1,319枚,月末部署算力~6.43 EH/s,月末运营算力~5.53 EH/s。
2月14日消息,据PR Newswire报道,由Further Ventures和WebN Group孵化的数字资产保险提供商SoterInsure完成A轮融资,Galaxy领投,Brevan Howard Digital、Karatage、TokenBay、Pharsalus等参投,具体投资金额暂未披露。SoterInsure主要为金融机构提供Web3市场里的数字资产保险产品,覆盖智能合约失败等领域,新资金将用于扩大产品范围。
According to Globalnewswire, Nasdaq-listed miner IREN released its monthly update report for January 2025, revealing that mining output in January was 521 BTC, a decrease from the previous month's output of 529 BTC.
据Globenewswire报道,美国比特币ATM运营商Bitcoin Depot(NASDAQ: BTM)宣布,已额外购买了500万美元的比特币,作为其财务战略的一部分,该战略于去年6月首次宣布。随着昨天购买51枚BTC,该公司现在持有71.5枚比特币。
According to Clobenewswire, artificial intelligence company Genius Group (NYSE American: GNS) announced that it has increased the number of bitcoin purchases in its bitcoin vault by an additional $2 million to 440 BTC, with a total value of $42 million and an average price of $95,519 per bitcoin.
据Clobenewswire报道,人工智能公司Genius Group(NYSE American: GNS)宣布已将其比特币金库的比特币购买量额外增加200万美元,至440枚BTC,总价值4200万美元,平均价格为每比特币95,519美元。
On January 16th, according to Globenewswire, Canadian listed company Goodfood Market Corp. (TSX: FOOD) announced a strategic shift in its financial management. Goodfood is adopting bitcoin investments as a financial reserve asset, joining the global community of forward-thinking companies leveraging digital currencies. The company has completed an initial investment of about $1 million in bitcoin through a spot ETF and plans to strategically increase its holdings by investing a portion of its re...
1月16日消息,据Globenewswire报道,加拿大上市公司Goodfood Market Corp.(TSX:FOOD)宣布了其财务管理的战略转变,Goodfood正在采用比特币投资作为财务储备资产,加入利用数字货币的全球前瞻性公司社区。该公司已通过现货ETF完成了约100万美元的比特币初始投资,并计划通过将部分未来剩余现金流投资于比特币来战略性地增加持股量。据悉,Goodfood是加拿大数字本土餐饮解决方案品...
According to Globenewswire, Canadian technology company Matador announced today that it has completed the acquisition of approximately 29 bitcoins for a total cash 4.50 million Canadian dollars, with an average price of $96,341 each.
据 Globenewswire 消息,加拿大科技公司 Matador 今天宣布,已完成以现金总额 450 万加元收购约 29 枚比特币的交易,每枚均价 96,341 美元。
According to PRNewswire, derivatives market CME Group (CME Group) released market statistics that the average daily trading volume of contracts in 2024 will reach 26.50 million, of which the average daily trading volume of cryptocurrency contracts increased by 203% to about 117,000 (6.80 billion US dollars), including: The annual average daily trading volume of micro bitcoin futures reached 48,000 contracts. The annual average daily trading volume of micro-Ethereum futures reached 41,000 contrac...
据PRNewswire报道,衍生品市场芝商所集团(CMEGroup)公布市场统计数据,2024全年合约日均交易量将达2650万份,其中加密货币合约日均交易量增长203%,达到约117,000份(68亿美元),包括: 1、微型比特币期货年度日均交易量达48,000份合约; 2、微型以太坊期货年度日均交易量达41,000份合约; 3、比特币期货年度日均交易量达16,000份合约; 4、以太坊期货年度日均交易量达6,400份合约...
According to GlobeNewswire, Nasdaq-listed bitcoin miner TeraWulf released an unaudited monthly production and operations update for December 2024, which revealed that 158 bitcoins were mined in December (an increase of 43 BTC from November), 423 BTC were mined in the fourth quarter, and a total of 2,728 bitcoins have been mined since the beginning of the year.