According to official news, Mysten Labs, the development company behind Sui, has announced the acquisition of game development platform Parasol for an undisclosed amount.
据官方消息,Sui背后开发公司Mysten Labs宣布收购游戏开发平台Parasol,具体收购金额暂未披露。
"Sui is about to launch the ability to transact via SMS, bringing payments, DeFi, rewards and more to everyone around the world," Mysten Labs co-founder Adeniyi said in a social media post.
On September 17, according to Mysten Labs co-founder and CEO Evan.sui, who forwarded the company's consumer cooperation and investment leader Jameel.sui on the X platform, Sui has reached a cooperation with Circle, and USDC is about to expand to Sui Network.
Adeniyi Abiodun, co-founder of Mysten Labs, said that research has been completed to provide offline encrypted transactions using radio waves, enabling the Sui blockchain to transmit transactions using only underwater waves, long-distance radio, and even compress transactions into smaller text messages.
On September 2nd, Web3 company Mysten Labs has launched pre-orders for the SuiPlay0X1 gaming handheld in partnership with gaming startup Playtron. The devices are priced at $600 per unit (including shipping and taxes) and can be purchased using SUI, ETH and SOL tokens. The first thousand customers who pre-order the SuiPlay device will receive a non-transferable soul-bound NFT that will provide special access, rewards and benefits. Deliveries of pre-ordered devices will begin in 2025.
According to the Sui blog, Sui developer Mysten Labs recently launched its new consensus engine, Mysticeti, which aims to significantly reduce latency on the Sui blockchain. George Danezis, co-founder and chief scientist of Mysten Labs, said that the main advantage of Mysticeti is reduced latency. The current phased rollout on the Sui mainnet has begun. With the launch of Mysticeti, Sui aims to set a new standard for blockchain performance.
On June 18, according to official news, Mysten Labs announced the launch of Walrus, a decentralized storage and data availability protocol for blockchain applications and autonomous agents. It has now released a developer preview to gather feedback. It is reported that the main advantages of this protocol include: cost-effective blob storage, as well as high availability and robustness.
6月18日消息,据官方消息,Mysten Labs 宣布推出去中心化存储和数据可用性协议 Walrus,适用于区块链应用和自主代理,目前已经发布了开发者预览版以收集反馈。据悉该协议提供的主要优势包括:经济高效的 Blob 存储、以及高可用性和稳健性。
Kostas Kryptos, co-founder of Sui developer Mysten Labs, tweeted that it is creating modern cryptography and AI innovation centers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and will try to occasionally invite high-profile figures in the field. Currently, it has plans to release some unique ideas around ZKP, MPC, FHE, differential privacy, Web3UX, Anon Credentials, on-chain AI, audit AI, DePIN data compression and parallelization, new key management, identity, voting and verifiable execution. He said the goal is t...