News list for "mysteel"

【每日期货市场要闻速递(8月5日)】1. 据Mysteel,当前陕西省全省在产焦化产能1360万吨,4.3米焦化产能...

【每日期货市场要闻速递(8月5日)】1. 据Mysteel,当前陕西省全省在产焦化产能1360万吨,4.3米焦化产能320万吨,占总产能24%,5.5米焦化产能1040万吨,占比76%。2. 中钢协数据显示,7月下旬,螺纹钢库存451万吨,环比减少10万吨,下降2.2%,库存连续下降;比6月下旬减少10万吨,下降2.2%;比年初增加146万吨,上升47.9%;比上年同期增加16万吨,上升3.7%。3. 近日,证监会同意大连商品交易所鸡蛋、玉米淀粉、生猪期权注册。证监会将督促大连商品交易所做好各项准备工作,确保上述期权品种的平稳推出和稳健运行。4. 据沐甜科技,截至7月底,广西累计销糖509.95万吨,同比增加71.88万吨;产销率82.50%,同比下降0.62个百分点。其中7月份单月销糖57.33万吨,同比增加30.89万吨。5. 印度溶剂萃取商协会(SEA)的数据显示,印度7月份食用油进口量环比增长21%,达到185万吨,为有记录以来第二高。7月份棕榈油进口量激增39%,达到109万吨,为11个月来最高。7月份豆油进口量增长43%,达到39.4万吨,为13个月来最高。6. 美国农业部...

2024-08-05 07:36:13
Mysteel circumference rebar data review

Qiu Yuecheng, Chief Research Officer of Everbright Futures Black at Golden Ten Futures, commented on Mysteel data: As of the week of July 25, the weekly output of threads fell for the fourth consecutive week, the inventory fell for the third consecutive week, and the watch demand continued to fall, and the thread was in a situation of double weakness in supply and demand. At present, the steel market as a whole is in a situation of double weakness in supply and demand, and there is still some pr...

2024-07-25 14:43:47


2024-07-25 14:43:47