News list for "morehead"

Founder of Pantera Capital: Expect a small portion of the world's $500 trillion assets to shift to cryptocurrencies this year

Dan Morehead, founder of Pantera Capital, recently said that imagine the impact if only a small percentage of the world's $500 trillion assets switched to cryptocurrencies. Considering his recent conversations with some institutions that have changed their attitudes, this is expected to happen this year.

2025-02-11 05:16:19
Pantera Capital创始人:预计今年全球500万亿美元资产将有小部分转向加密货币

Pantera Capital 创始人 Dan Morehead 近日表示,想象一下,如果全球 500 万亿美元的资产中只有一小部分转向加密货币,会产生怎样的影响。考虑到他最近与一些已经改变态度的机构的谈话,预计这种情况将在今年发生。

2025-02-11 05:16:19
Pantera Capital founder: The impact of the US election is not fully understood, nor is it priced in BTC

In the latest issue of "Blockchain Letter", Pantera Capital founder Dan Morehead says that the old Wall Street adage "buy rumor, sell news" does not apply to the launch of a spot bitcoin ETF. For bitcoin ETFs, you should "buy rumor, buy news". Bitcoin has risen 103% since the launch of a bitcoin ETF in 2024. Dan Morehead says that the US election is another "buy rumor, buy news". The impact of the US election is not fully understood, and it is certainly not priced in bitcoin.

2025-01-13 10:01:38
Pantera Capital创始人:美国大选影响尚未被完全理解,也没有被BTC价格计价

Pantera Capital创始人Dan Morehead在最新一期”Blockchain Letter“中表示,华尔街的古老格言”买谣言,卖新闻“并不适用于现货比特币ETF的推出,对比特币ETF应该“买谣言,买新闻”,自2024年比特币ETF推出以来,比特币已上涨103%。Dan Morehead表示,美国大选是又一次“买谣言,买新闻”,美国大选的影响尚未被完全理解,而且肯定没有被比特币价格计价(price in)。

2025-01-13 10:01:38
Pantera founder: Bitcoin's current cycle peak may occur in August 2025

Pantera founder Dan Morehead said in a recent interview that Bitcoin's four-year cycle pattern will continue, and the market will experience a big bull market, followed by a bear market. But the only difference is that after three 85% declines in the past 12 years, the next pullback may only be 50% or 60%. At least for Bitcoin, there may still be more volatility in small currencies. If the four-year cycle is followed, April 19 this year is the halving time. It is expected that 202...

2024-12-26 12:13:05

Pantera 创始人 Dan Morehead 在最新采访中表示,比特币四年周期模式会继续,市场会经历一个大牛市,然后是熊市。但唯一的区别是,在经历了过去 12 年中三次 85%的跌幅后,下一次回调可能只有 50%或 60%,至少对比特币来说是这样,小币种可能仍会有更大波动。如果按照四年周期规律,今年 4 月 19 日是减半时间,预计 202...

2024-12-26 12:13:05
Pantera Founder: Pantera Bitcoin Fund's 11-year CAGR of 89%

Dan Morehead, founder of Pantera Capital, revealed in a recent interview that the Pantera Bitcoin Fund has achieved a compound annual growth rate of 89% over the past 11 years, which means that it has doubled every year on average. Dan Morehead said that in any ordinary asset class, if an asset doubles in a year, you really should not buy it, because it may indicate an overvaluation, but Bitcoin is not the same. However, there is a very important investment principle here: your investment amount...

2024-12-26 11:45:56
Pantera founder: Another 10-fold increase in BTC is completely reasonable, but it is unlikely to see a 1,000-fold increase

In a recent interview with Bankless, Dan Morehead, founder of Pantera Capital, said that Bitcoin has indeed grown to a considerable scale, and we can't see another 1000-fold increase, because that would consume all the energy on the planet. However, another 10-fold increase to a market value of $15 trillion is completely possible, compared to the total amount of financial assets in the world of $500 trillion. Dan Morehead added that he would not predict the situation in 50 years, but in our curr...

2024-12-26 11:45:56

Pantera Capital 创始人 Dan Morehead 在最新采访中透露,Pantera 比特币基金 11 年来的年复合增长率达到 89%,也就是说平均每年都在翻倍。Dan Morehead 表示,在任何普通资产类别中,如果某个资产一年内翻倍,你确实不应该买入,因为这可能表明估值过高,但比特币不一样。不过,这里有一个非常重要的投资原则:你的投资额度应该控制在一个即使亏损 85%,也不会影响到家庭稳定的范...

2024-12-26 11:45:56

Pantera Capital 创始人 Dan Morehead 在接受 Bankless 最新采访中表示,比特币确实已经发展到了相当规模,我们不可能再看到 1000 倍的增长,因为那样会消耗地球上所有的能源。但是,再涨 10 倍达到 15 万亿美元的市值,相比全球 500 万亿美元的金融资产总量,这是完全可能的。Dan Morehead 补充称,自己不会去预测 50 年后的情况,但在我们当前的投资周期内,比如 5...

2024-12-26 11:45:56
Pantera Capital CEO: Predicts Bitcoin bull cycle will peak in August 2025

Dan Morehead, CEO of Pantera Capital, predicts that the next bull cycle in the cryptocurrency market will peak in 2025. In the Bankless podcast, he elaborates on the rationale for this prediction: Bitcoin follows a four-yearly halving cycle, with miner rewards halving leading to a reduction in supply. Historically, the price of Bitcoin has risen sharply before and after these events. The last halving took place in April 2024, while Morehead predicts that Bitcoin will peak in the cycle in August ...

2024-12-26 04:01:23
Pantera Capital CEO:预测比特币牛市周期将在2025年8月达到顶峰

Pantera Capital首席执行官Dan Morehead预测,加密货币市场的下一个牛市周期将在2025年达到高峰。在Bankless播客中,他详细阐述了这一预测的依据:比特币遵循四年一次的减半周期,矿工奖励减半导致供应量减少,历史上这些事件前后比特币价格都会大幅上涨。上一次减半发生在2024年4月,而莫黑德根据历史趋势预测,比特币将在2025年8月达到周期峰值。

2024-12-26 04:01:23