News list for "milojko"

The Prime Minister of Montenegro welcomes entrepreneurs in the fields of legal cryptocurrency and AI, and has zero tolerance for fraud

"Our country welcomes innovative and legitimate cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence and other tech entrepreneurs, but we have zero tolerance for fraud," Montenegro's prime minister Milojko Spajic wrote on the X platform. Previously, Bloomberg News revealed that Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said that the extradition of Do Kwon to the United States has been completed. Milojko Spajic said that this extradition shows a strong commitment to international justice and the rule of law.

2025-01-01 00:06:41

黑山总理Milojko Spajic在 X 平台发文称:“我们的国家欢迎创新和合法的加密货币、人工智能和其他科技企业家,但我们对欺诈行为零容忍。” 此前消息,彭博社披露黑山总理Milojko Spajic表示 Do Kwon 美国引渡手续已完成,Milojko Spajic称这次引渡表明了对国际正义和法治的坚定承诺。

2025-01-01 00:06:41
Montenegro PM: Do Kwon extradition process completed

Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said on social media that Montenegro has completed the process of extraditing Do Kwon to the United States, and he may soon travel to the United States to face criminal charges.

2024-12-31 23:51:35
黑山总理:Do Kwon引渡程序已完成

黑山总理Milojko Spajic在社交平台表示,黑山已完成将 Do Kwon 引渡到美国的程序,他或将很快前往美国接受刑事指控。

2024-12-31 23:51:35
Do Kwon extradited to the United States

According to Bloomberg, Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said on Tuesday that Montenegro has completed the extradition of Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon to the United States. This extradition demonstrates our strong commitment to international justice and the rule of law, he wrote on the X platform. Do Kwon is facing a double indictment in New York and Seoul for losing $40 billion in the 2022 TerraUSD stablecoin crash. He was previously arrested in Montenegro for using a forged passpo...

2024-12-31 20:41:14
Do Kwon被引渡至美国

据彭博社报道,黑山总理 Milojko Spajic 于周二表示,黑山已完成对 Terraform Labs 联合创始人 Do Kwon 的引渡,将其移交至美国。他在 X 平台上发文称:此次引渡彰显了我们对国际司法和法治的坚定承诺。 Do Kwon 因 2022 年 TerraUSD 稳定币崩盘事件造成 400 亿美元损失,目前正面临纽约和首尔的双重起诉。此前,他因使用伪造护照在黑山被捕。今年 4 月,Terraform Labs 和 Do Kw...

2024-12-31 20:41:14
The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milojko Spajic, was one of Terra's early investors

A court filing by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) revealed that Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, who took office in October last year, was one of Terra's early investors, investing $75,000 in Singapore's Terraform Labs in April 2018, purchasing 750,000 LUNAs. Before the court filing became public, Montenegro's prime minister claimed that he had never personally invested in a failed cryptocurrency project. Montenegro's prime minister claimed that the company he worked for was d...

2024-06-19 16:58:19
外媒:黑山总理Milojko Spajic是Terra的早期投资者之一

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的一份法庭文件披露,去年10 月上任的黑山总理 Milojko Spajic 是 Terra 的早期投资者之一,其于 2018 年 4 月向新加坡 Terraform Labs 投资了 7.5 万美元,购买了 75 万枚 LUNA。在法庭文件公开之前,黑山总理声称他从未亲自投资过失败的加密货币项目。黑山总理声称他工作的公司被骗了 7.5 万美元,而不是他个人。

2024-06-19 16:58:19