News list for "miles"

Miles Jennings to succeed Brian Quintenz as head of crypto policy at a16z

Chris Dixon, managing partner of a16z crypto, announced on the X platform that Miles Jennings, the agency's former general counsel, will replace Brian Quintenz as head of a16z crypto policy. Previously, it was reported that Trump plans to appoint Brian Quintenz as chairperson of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Miles Jennings将接替Brian Quintenz担任a16z crypto政策主管

a16z crypto 管理合伙人 Chris Dixon 在 X 平台发文宣布,该机构原总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 将接替 Brian Quintenz 担任 a16z crypto 政策主管。 此前消息,特朗普计划任命 Brian Quintenz 担任美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席。

2025-03-18 17:00:10

加密分析师Miles Deutscher在X发文称,相比2022年FTX崩盘时期,当前的市场下跌更令人痛心。他解释道,在FTX事件期间,人们已对下跌麻木,不再抱有希望。而这次下跌发生时,人们仍期待着一波大规模的山寨币行情。而失去希望比损失金钱更令人痛苦。

2025-02-07 06:03:07
分析师 Miles:相比去年 11、12 月,当前反而是散户投资者更好的入场时机

2月5日,知名加密分析师Miles Deutscher指出,相比去年11、12月,当前反而是散户投资者更好的入场时机。数据显示,主要加密货币YouTube频道的观看量在12月初达到峰值后已腰斩,反映市场情绪从顶部的FOMO转向底部的恐慌与冷漠。如果你无法学会控制这些情绪,你永远无法在这个领域取得成功。

2025-02-05 08:55:38
Analyst: The current market reaction to the news indicates that it is more bearish at this stage

Crypto analyst Miles Deutscher posted on social media that there is now a classic sign that the market is currently leaning towards bearish (lights out mode). The market's reaction to news can tell investors all about sentiment. In a bull trend, the market shrugs off bad news, but the good news goes up as soon as it arrives. In a bear trend, the opposite is true, the market shrugs off good news and the bad news goes down as soon as it arrives. It is important to watch for early signs of a trend ...

2025-02-04 05:59:51

加密分析师 Miles Deutscher 在社交媒体上发文表示,现在出现了一个典型的迹象,表明市场目前倾向于看跌(熄灯模式)。市场对新闻的反应可以告诉投资者有关情绪的所有信息,牛市趋势中,市场对坏消息不屑一顾,但好消息一来就涨。在熊市趋势中则相反,市场对好消息不屑一顾,坏消息一来就跌。观察趋势转变的早期迹象很重要,而市场对新闻的反应是做到这一点的简单...

2025-02-04 05:59:51

加密分析师Miles Deutscher于X平台发文表示,Solana生态流动性正在回流向以太坊生态。过去24小时内,SOL代币流向以太坊生态的资金量约为ETH代币流向Solana生态的4倍。

2025-02-01 13:59:06

1月27日消息,加密分析师Miles Deutscher发文表示,“DeepSeek恐慌叠加FOMC避险,看起来是个相当不错的抄底机会。相比慢性下跌,市场恐慌性抛售总是提供更好的买入时机。已设置限价单/TWAP订单。”

2025-01-27 08:21:50
A16z crypto invests $1 million to jointly establish creator defense fund

Miles Jennings, general counsel of a16z crypto, said in a post on the X platform that a16z has jointly launched a creator defense fund with OpenSea, Stand With Crypto, etc. a16z will contribute $1 million to work with law firms to provide legal services and advice to artists and creators who face potential government action or simply want to ensure they build NFT projects in a manner that is in legal compliance.

2024-09-13 15:26:45
a16z crypto出资100万美元联合建立创作者辩护基金

a16z crypto 总法律顾问 miles jennings 于 X 平台发文表示,a16z 与 OpenSea、Stand With Crypto等联合启动了一项创作者辩护基金。a16z 将出资 100 万美元,与律师事务所合作,为面临潜在政府行动或只是想确保他们以合法合规的方式构建 NFT 项目的艺术家和创作者提供法律服务和咨询。

2024-09-13 15:26:45
Putin: Russia "supports" Harris, calls his smile "infectious"

On September 6th, according to foreign media reports such as TASS News Agency and Russian Satellite Network, on the afternoon of September 5th local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary meeting of the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum that in the upcoming US Presidential Election, Russia will follow the recommendation of US President Biden and "support" US Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Harris. According to reports, when Putin was asked how he now views the ...

2024-09-06 00:32:54
The scale of speculative bets on gold has reached an important milestone, and this factor is currently supporting the price of gold! Is the dollar bearish now but not short? Oil prices may rebound or be full of thorns, mainly for these reasons...

The scale of speculative bets on gold has reached an important milestone, and this factor is currently supporting the price of gold! Is the dollar bearish now but not short? Oil prices may rebound or be full of thorns, mainly for these reasons...

2024-09-04 07:24:50
Analysis: Bitcoin has recently shown a trend of "Asian buying, US selling"

Crypto analyst Miles Deutscher said bitcoin had recently shown a "buy in Asia, sell in the US" trend. Bitcoin has returned more than 5 per cent during Asian trading sessions over the past two weeks, while the US session has seen negative returns. Next week's key data will be the August non-farm payrolls report released on Friday, September 6. The weak employment report for July may be a factor that prompts the Midland...

2024-08-30 16:14:52

加密分析师 Miles Deutscher 表示,比特币近期呈现“亚洲买入,美国抛售”趋势。过去两周亚洲交易时段比特币的累计回报率超过 5%,而美国交易时段则出现负回报。 下周的重要数据将是 9 月 6 日(星期五)公布的 8 月份非农就业报告。7 月份的就业报告表现疲软,可能成为促使美联...

2024-08-30 16:14:52
Israel wants to establish a 10-mile buffer zone along the Lebanese border

On June 28th, according to NBC News, US officials familiar with the matter said that despite pressure from the Biden administration, Israeli officials still firmly want to fight Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel wants to create a 10-mile buffer zone on the Lebanese border. An Israeli official said Israel wants to keep Hezbollah away from the border and is pushing for a diplomatic solution, but if that doesn't work, the Israeli army is ready to use force. The official said the aim is to restore calm i...

2024-06-27 20:49:53

7x24 Newsflash

06:52 2025-03-24
06:40 2025-03-24
币安将恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率
3月24日消息,币安合约将于2025年03月24日16:00(东八区时间)恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率。资金费率结算频率将由每二小时一次调整为每四小时一次。
06:28 2025-03-24
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
06:25 2025-03-24
据相关消息,OKX 总裁 Hong 确认将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日出席「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」主论坛,并发表主题演讲。 据悉,「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合主办,W3ME 承办。活动将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日至 9 日 在香港会议展览中心举办,OKX Web3 是本次活动的冠名赞助商及独家 NFT 门票发行合作伙伴,通过 OKX Web3 钱包购买大会 NFT 门票,可享...
06:17 2025-03-24
06:07 2025-03-24
06:07 2025-03-24
据官方公告,Binance 将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 14:00(东八区时间)调整统一账户 CRV、UNI、ALGO、KSM、XTZ、XEC 资产的抵押率。此更新大约在一小时内完成。
06:06 2025-03-24
06:00 2025-03-24
05:55 2025-03-24
05:54 2025-03-24
白宫正考虑对原定于 4 月 2 日执行的关税政策进行调整,拟采取更具针对性的措施,避免对特定行业加征关税,仅对贸易不平衡国家实施“对等关税”,引发市场情绪缓和。分析人士指出,尽管关税并不会直接影响加密资产价格,但市场对特朗普贸易政策带来的宏观不确定性尤为敏感。Grayscale 研究主管 Zach Pandl 表示,“政策不确定性加...
05:51 2025-03-24