On March 22, Meteora said in a post on X that one of the main concerns of the community is to prevent MET from flowing to bad actors, such as users or addresses associated with entities such as Kelsier Ventures. To address this issue, Meteora is launching a community-driven initiative to create a public, verifiable blacklist of all addresses that will be excluded from MET assignments. Meteora has partnered with Bubblemaps and Rugcheck to refine the blacklist, allowing any user to submit their su...
3月22日消息, Meteora 于 X 发文表示,社区的主要担忧之一是防止 MET 流向不良行为者,比如刷量用户或是与 Kelsier Ventures 等实体相关的地址。 为了解决这个问题,Meteora 将启动一项社区驱动的倡议——创建一个公开、可验证的黑名单,列出所有将被排除在 MET 分配之外的地址。Meteora 已与 Bubblemaps 和 Rugcheck 合作来完善该黑名单,任何用户都可以提交他们怀疑滥用 LP 激励...
3月21日消息,基于Solana的去中心化交易所Meteora在X平台上宣布,目前已发布针对MET代币的两项提案。第一项提案名为“LP刺激计划”,旨在将流动性提供者的MET分配从10%提高到15%。第二项提案建议将MET供应量的20%分配给团队,作为长期激励结构的一部分,该分配将在TGE的6年内归属;此外,将从团队20% MET配额中拿出2%分配给M3M3利益相关者(即M3M3持有者和M3M3权益...
Meteora announces the launch of the Meteora Rising Incubator, designed to support the development of community-built tools on DLMM, led by Geek Lad, Head of Developer Relations at LPArmy. Funding will be provided for tools being built that can help LPs optimize, automate, or track their positions on DLMM.
Meteora宣布推出Meteora Rising孵化器,旨在支持社区构建的工具在DLMM上的发展,由LPArmy开发者关系负责人Geek Lad领导。将对正在构建能够帮助LP优化、自动化或跟踪其在DLMM上的仓位的工具进行资助。
据Cointelegraph报道,律师事务所Burwick Law已代表其客户在纽约最高法院对Kelsier Ventures、KIP Protocol、Meteora及相关方就LIBRA代币发行提起诉讼。这份集体诉讼诉状指控被告方策划了一场不公平的代币发行活动,误导了购买者,并损害了散户投资者的利益。
On March 11, Ben Chow, co-founder of Meteora, said on social media, "My account has been hacked and I have been trying to regain control. Please ignore any recent posts." This morning, its X account released an official statement on the MELANIA, LIBRA, and TRUMP events, or it did not operate on its own.
3 月 11 日消息,Meteora 联合创始人 Ben Chow 在社交媒体表示,“我的账号已被盗用,并一直在尝试重新获得控制权。请忽略任何最近的帖子。” 今晨其 X 账号发布 MELANIA、LIBRA、TRUMP 事件正式声明,或并未其本人操作。
On February 26th, Meteora, Solana's ecological liquidity protocol, issued a statement saying that it will continue to improve the existing points system and conduct a comprehensive review of bad actors and wash traders. The announcement pointed out that Meteora will take three specific measures: implement a blacklist system for bad actors and wash traders who try to abuse the system; initiate discussions with liquidity providers (LPs) to collect feedback; and cooperate with third-party analysis ...
2月26日消息,Solana生态流动性协议Meteora发文表示,将继续改进现有积分系统,并对不良行为者及洗单交易者进行全面审查。公告指出,Meteora将采取三项具体措施:对试图滥用系统的不良行为者和洗单交易者实施黑名单制度;启动与流动性提供者(LP)的讨论,收集反馈;与第三方分析公司合作,优化积分系统的链上数据分析与验证。 Meteora强...
I am also a co-founder of Meteora. First of all, I would like to reiterate my confidence that neither Jupiter nor Meteora is involved in any insider trading or financial wrongdoing, or improperly received any tokens. Secondly, we hired an independent third party (Fenwick & West).
Meteora team member benchow.sol clarified in a post on X: "The Meteora team is not involved in LIBRA deployment, market making, or release. The LIBRA team uses Meteora, a permissionless platform. We have never had any contact with the token or with President Millai of Argentina. Many teams create Meteora pools through the CLI/SDK/CPI, and there are a lot of configuration options, so we do often use our technology to help them. Further information will be shared in the future as we learn more. " ...
Meteora 团队成员 benchow.sol 于 X 发文澄清:“Meteora 团队没有参与 LIBRA 部署、做市或发布。 LIBRA 团队使用 Meteora,这是一个无需许可的平台。我们从未与该代币或阿根廷总统米莱有过接触。 许多团队通过 CLI/SDK/CPI 创建 Meteora 池,并且有很多配置选项,因此我们确实经常使用我们的技术帮助他们。随着我们了解更多,未来将进一步分享信息。” 今日早些时候消息,据 Arkham 监测...