News list for "metallicus"


21:00-7:00关键词:OpenAI、WLFI、BPCE、Metallicus 1.OpenAI宣布新的o3模型; 2.特朗普加密项目WLFI增持759枚ETH; 3.交易员增加美联储明年3月降息的押注; 4.美联储古尔斯比:通胀率仍有望达到2%; 5.法国监管机构授权 BPCE 子公司开展加密货币业务; 6.Tether CEO:Tether的AI平台网站预计明年一季度末推出; 7.数字银行和区块链平台Metallicus收购Bonifii,将70多家信用合作社接入Metal区块链。

2024-12-20 23:29:42
Digital banking and blockchain platform Metallicus acquires Bonifii to connect more than 70 credit unions to the Metal blockchain

Digital banking and blockchain platform Metallicus has announced the acquisition of fintech services company Bonifii, a credit union service operator (CUSO) connected to 70 credit unions. The acquisition brings the total number of Metallicus' credit union partners to more than 80, of which more than 16 have already leveraged Metal's blockchain technology. Prior to the acquisition, Bonifii had raised around $20 million in several early-stage investments and seed rounds. Details of Metallicus' fin...

2024-12-20 22:47:28

数字银行和区块链平台Metallicus宣布收购金融科技服务公司Bonifii,这是一家与70家信用合作社相连的信用合作社服务运营商(CUSO)。 此次收购使Metallicus的信用合作社合作伙伴总数达到80多个,其中16多个已经利用了Metal区块链技术。 在收购之前,Bonifii已在几轮早期投资和种子轮融资中筹集了约2000万美元。Metallicus的财务状况细节似乎尚未公开,CoinMarketCap报告称Metal区块链的市值为...

2024-12-20 22:47:28