News list for "luzzetti"

Deutsche Bank: New Federal Reserve Committee in 2025 may generate more dissent

Deutsche Bank economist Matthew Luzzetti said that the four regional Fed presidents who will get voting rights on the Federal Reserve FOMC this year are likely to make more controversial policy decisions. Chicago Fed President Goolsbee is seen as one of the most dovish voices on the committee, while St. Louis Fed President Moussalem and Kansas City Fed President Schmid are seen as potential hawks. It is worth noting that neither Moussalem nor Schmid has previously served on the committee...

2025-01-08 05:52:25

德意志银行经济学家Matthew Luzzetti表示,今年将在美联储FOMC获得投票权的四位地区联储主席可能会做出争议更大的政策决定。芝加哥联储主席古尔斯比被视为该委员会最鸽派的声音之一,而圣路易斯联储主席穆萨勒姆和堪萨斯城联储主席施密德则被视为潜在的鹰派。值得注意的是,穆萨勒姆和施密德之前都没有在该委员...

2025-01-08 05:52:25
Deutsche Bank: The Federal Reserve's December interest rate decision may be full of dissent

Matthew Luzzetti, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, said the Fed's decision today was "easy," but he wasn't too sure if it would be so easy in December. He said that after this rate cut, next month's decision could be "full of dissent" because interest rates are approaching neutral. Therefore, it may make more sense for some to slow the pace of rate cuts.

2024-11-08 03:40:18

德意志银行的分析师Matthew Luzzetti表示,美联储今天的决定是“容易的”,但他不太确定12月是否会如此容易。他说,在这次降息之后,下个月的决定可能会有“充满异议”,因为利率正在接近中性。因此,对一些人来说,放慢降息的步伐可能更有意义。

2024-11-08 03:40:18