News list for "lpg"

In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts were mixed. Manganese silicon, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), low-sulfur fuel oil (LU), polysilicon, glass, soda ash, rubber, ferrosilicon, butadiene rubber fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, the container shipping index (...

In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts were mixed. Manganese silicon, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), low-sulfur fuel oil (LU), polysilicon, glass, soda ash, rubber, ferrosilicon, butadiene rubber fell more than 1%. In terms of gains, the container shipping index (European line) rose 6%, Shanghai gold and Shanghai silver rose more than 1%, and soybean meal rose nearly 1%.

2025-01-22 03:31:08
At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures rose and fell. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and caustic soda rose more than 3%, coke, butadiene rubber, asphalt, methanol, and SC crude oil rose more than 1%. In terms of decline, Consolidated Europe Line fell more than 2%, industrial silicon, palm...

At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures rose and fell. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and caustic soda rose more than 3%, coke, butadiene rubber, asphalt, methanol, and SC crude oil rose more than 1%. In terms of decline, Consolidated Europe Line fell more than 2%, and industrial silicon and palm oil fell more than 1%.

2024-12-31 03:30:57


2024-12-31 03:30:57
The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fluctuated at 21:05 above the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4440 yuan/ton, an increase of nearly 2%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fluctuated at 21:05 above the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4440 yuan/ton, an increase of nearly 2%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-11-20 13:05:50
The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 22:41 fluctuates below the short accumulation zone, and is now reported at 4495 yuan/ton, down 0.40%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 22:41 fluctuates below the short accumulation zone, and is now reported at 4495 yuan/ton, down 0.40%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-10-31 14:42:38
订单流5分钟图显示,22:41 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在空头堆积带下方波动,现报4495元/吨,跌幅0.40%。点击查看实时异动。

订单流5分钟图显示,22:41 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在空头堆积带下方波动,现报4495元/吨,跌幅0.40%。点击查看实时异动。

2024-10-31 14:42:38
The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of 09:25 LPG fluctuated on the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 5113 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.53%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of 09:25 LPG fluctuated on the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 5113 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.53%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-08-26 01:25:55
订单流5分钟图显示,09:25 LPG主力合约在多头堆积带上方波动,现报5113元/吨,涨幅1.53%。点击查看实时异动。

订单流5分钟图显示,09:25 LPG主力合约在多头堆积带上方波动,现报5113元/吨,涨幅1.53%。点击查看实时异动。

2024-08-26 01:25:55
The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 22:11 fluctuated below the short accumulation zone, and is now reported at 4461 yuan/ton, down 1.44%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 22:11 fluctuated below the short accumulation zone, and is now reported at 4461 yuan/ton, down 1.44%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-08-14 14:11:25
订单流5分钟图显示,22:11 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在空头堆积带下方波动,现报4461元/吨,跌幅1.44%。点击查看实时异动。

订单流5分钟图显示,22:11 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在空头堆积带下方波动,现报4461元/吨,跌幅1.44%。点击查看实时异动。

2024-08-14 14:11:25
The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fluctuated at 21:08 above the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4585 yuan/ton, up more than 2%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the main contract of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fluctuated at 21:08 above the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4585 yuan/ton, up more than 2%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-08-12 13:08:21
订单流5分钟图显示,21:08 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在多头堆积带上方波动,现报4585元/吨,涨超2%。点击查看实时异动。

订单流5分钟图显示,21:08 液化石油气(LPG)主力合约在多头堆积带上方波动,现报4585元/吨,涨超2%。点击查看实时异动。

2024-08-12 13:08:21
The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the price of the main 22:53 LPG contract fluctuated on the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4473 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.29%. Click to view real-time changes.

The 5-minute chart of the order flow shows that the price of the main 22:53 LPG contract fluctuated on the long accumulation belt, and is now reported at 4473 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.29%. Click to view real-time changes.

2024-07-23 14:53:08
订单流5分钟图显示,22:53 LPG主力合约价格在多头堆积带上方波动,现报4473元/吨,涨幅0.29%。点击查看实时异动。

订单流5分钟图显示,22:53 LPG主力合约价格在多头堆积带上方波动,现报4473元/吨,涨幅0.29%。点击查看实时异动。

2024-07-23 14:53:08

7x24 Newsflash

07:05 2025-03-14
Ark Invest再度增持价值520万美元Coinbase股票
根据其最新的交易文件,ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) 买入了 29,353 股 Coinbase Global Inc. 股票,按周四收盘价计算,价值约为 520 万美元。ARKK 基金还买入了 143,855 股 Robinhood 股票,价值 518 万美元。 Coinbase 股价收盘下跌 7.43%,至 177.49 美元。据 Google Finance,这家加密货币交易所的股价今年迄今已下跌 31%。
07:02 2025-03-14
06:56 2025-03-14
3月14日消息,据RedotPay官方公告,其已完成4000万美元A轮融资,由Lightspeed领投,HSG、Galaxy Ventures、DST Global Partners、Accel、Vertex Ventures等参投。本轮融资将用于加速全球加密支付解决方案的扩展。 RedotPay成立于2023年4月,已发展超300万用户,提供无缝的加密货币支付及法币转换服务,致力于为无银行账户群体提供金融服务。
06:41 2025-03-14
多位华尔街经济学家表示,由于数据背后存在一复杂的计算方法和关键领域的趋势,政策制定者很可能不会对这些数字感到过于宽慰。 美国银行经济学家Stephen Juneau在一份报告中表示,“简而言之,2025年的通胀进程起步就不顺,我们对个人消费支出价格...
06:25 2025-03-14
据CoinDesk报道,尽管2024年底加密货币因“特朗普效应”而受益,但2025年第一季度美国AI领域融资仍大幅领先于加密货币行业。 据Pitchbook数据,2025年前三个月美国加密货币风险投资约为8.61亿美元,而AI领域则吸引了近200亿美元投资。 AI领域共完成795笔交易,其中包括Databricks153亿美元和Anthropic20亿美元的大额融资。历史数据显示,风投一直偏好AI而非加密货币,AI...
06:01 2025-03-14
Solana链上投票SIMD 228投票率超百年内美国总统大选
据Solana官方称,Solana链上治理提案SIMD 228的投票率达到72%,超过过去100年内所有美国总统大选的投票率。图表显示,美国历史上的总统选举投票率通常在50%-65%之间。
06:01 2025-03-14
05:46 2025-03-14
美德克萨斯州法院在Bancor DAO无视传票后对其作出缺席判决
德克萨斯州一名联邦法官在Bancor DAO(运营去中心化金融平台Bancor)未对网上传票做出回应后,对其做出了缺席判决。法官罗伯特-皮特曼(Robert Pitman)在Bancor DAO于2024年1月在DAO论坛上发布传票后,没有露面为自己辩护,因此做出了上述判决。 “地方法院书记员菲利普-德尔文(Philip Delvin)在3月13日写道:"被告Bancor DA...
05:39 2025-03-14
05:37 2025-03-14
05:34 2025-03-14
05:29 2025-03-14
1. 澳新银行:预计2025年黄金价格将达到每盎司3050美元的历史新高。2. 高盛集团:预计2025...
1. 澳新银行:预计2025年黄金价格将达到每盎司3050美元的历史新高。2. 高盛集团:预计2025年金价将进一步上涨8%,创下3100美元/盎司的历史新高。3. 法巴银行:将2025年金价均价预期上调8%至2990美元,料在二季度突破3100美元。 4. 麦格理集团:避险地位可能会助推黄金在第三季度升至每盎司3500美元的纪录高位。