News list for "longhash"

LongHash Ventures Partner: Funds and direct investment funds are drying up, and the overall market is bullish in Q4 this year and Q1 next year

LongHash Ventures partner emmacui.eth posted his thoughts on Token2049 and Solana Breakpoint at X. The main points are as follows: 1. Funds and direct investment funds are drying up. Western general partners (GPs) are flocking to Asia to raise capital. Partners who cannot raise their next fund are looking for...

2024-09-26 15:57:55
LongHash Ventures合伙人:基金和直接投资的资金在枯竭,今年Q4和明年Q1整个市场看涨

LongHash Ventures合伙人emmacui.eth在X发布对Token2049和Solana Breakpoint的看法。 主要观点如下: 1、基金和直接投资资金都在枯竭。西方的普通合伙人(GP)纷纷涌向亚洲进行募资。那些无法募集下一只基金的合伙人正在寻...

2024-09-26 15:57:55
Zentry announces strategic funding from Spartan, LongHash, Synergis, and DWF Labs

Chain game project Zentry (formerly GuildFi) announced strategic funding from Spartan, LongHash, Synergis and DWF Labs to enhance Metagame Layer. Zentry said its funding exceeded $150 million. Previously, it was reported in April that GuildFi plans to rebrand as Zentry and create a unified Superlayer that rewards gamers of all types across multiple blockchains.

2024-05-30 23:18:04
链游项目Zentry宣布从Spartan、LongHash、Synergis和DWF Labs获得战略资金

链游项目Zentry(原链游公会GuildFi)宣布从Spartan、LongHash、Synergis和DWF Labs获得战略资金,以增强Metagame Layer。Zentry表示其资金超过1.5亿美元。 此前4月消息,GuildFi拟品牌重塑为Zentry,并计划创建一个统一的Superlayer,奖励跨多个区块链的所有类型游戏玩家。

2024-05-30 23:18:04