News list for "livio"

HashKey Group COO: It is expected that the first Hong Kong virtual bank will be approved for virtual asset trading services in the next quarter

In an interview with 21st Century Business Herald, HashKey Group chief operating officer Livio Weng said that the virtual asset trading services of various virtual banks have not yet been launched and are still waiting for approval from the HKMA. The first virtual bank is expected to be approved in the next quarter. In addition to virtual asset ETF trading, the banks also plan to expand their cryptocurrency product lines, including partnering with virtual asset exchanges to provide users with di...

2024-08-16 14:54:08
HashKey Group COO:预计未来一个季度内将有首家香港虚拟银行获批虚拟资产交易服务

HashKey Group首席运营官Livio Weng在接受21世纪经济报道采访时表示,各家虚拟银行的虚拟资产交易服务尚未启动,仍在等待香港金融管理局的审批,预计在未来一个季度内将有首家虚拟银行获批。除虚拟资产ETF交易外,这些银行还计划扩展其加密货币产品线,包括与虚拟资产交易所合作,提供用户直接购买和交易加密资产的...

2024-08-16 14:54:08