Sigma Prime, the Ethereum 2.0 client side Lighthouse development team, has announced that Lighthouse is enabling default light client side support, making trust-minimized wallets more viable than ever. With this launch, the share of beacon nodes providing light client side data is expected to increase from 5% to 30-40%. The currently available Lighthouse v7.0.0-beta.3 for Holesky has fixed bugs that cause nodes to get stuck (only recommended for Holesky node upgrades). Lighthouse 7.0 light clien...
以太坊2.0客户端Lighthouse开发团队Sigma Prime宣布Lighthouse正在启用默认轻客户端支持,使信任最小化钱包比以往更加可行,随着此次推出,提供轻客户端数据的信标节点份额预计将从5%增加到30-40%,目前提供的适用于Holesky的Lighthouse v7.0.0-beta.3已修复导致节点卡住的Bug(仅建议Holesky节点升级),Lighthouse 7.0轻客户端稳定版即将发布。