News list for "lidia"

Creditors sue FTX administrators for misusing funds to pay for luxury hotels and travel

FTX administrators are being sued by creditor Lidia Favario for extravagant expenses. Favario points out that administrators spent too much on FTX bankruptcy proceedings, including high-end hotel accommodations and exorbitant transportation costs. She points to A & M professionals spending $971.74 a night at a luxury hotel in New York, and one professional paying $1,733 for a taxi. In addition, FTX also paid $2,683 for three taxis to wait for CEO John Ray's testimony. Favario appealed to the cou...

2025-01-08 13:31:00
债权人起诉FTX 破产管理人滥用资金支付豪华酒店与旅行费用

FTX 破产管理人因奢华开支遭到债权人 Lidia Favario 起诉。Favario 指出,破产管理人在处理 FTX 破产程序时的开支过于奢侈,包括高档酒店住宿和过高的交通费用。她提到,A&M 专业人员在纽约的豪华酒店住一晚花费 971.74 美元,并且有一位专业人员花费 1,733 美元打出租车。 此外,FTX 还支付了 2,683 美元让三辆出租车等待首席执行官 John Ray 的证词。Favario 呼吁法院...

2025-01-08 13:31:00