Socket研究团队在一场新的攻击中发现,朝鲜黑客组织Lazarus与六个新的恶意npm软件包有关,这些软件包试图部署后门以窃取用户凭证。此外,这些恶意软件还能提取加密货币数据,窃取Solana和Exodus加密钱包中的敏感信息。攻击主要针对Google Chrome、Brave和Firefox浏览器的文件以及macOS的钥匙串数据,专门诱骗开发者无意中安装这些恶意软件包。
据 News消息,朝鲜的Lazarus集团已经积累了近10亿美元的加密货币,其中包括5.92亿美元的ETH、3.19亿美元的BTC,甚至还有33.7万美元的BABYDOGE。
On March 1st, "on-chain detective" ZachXBT posted on the personal channel, revealing that an unknown victim was attacked by North Korean hacker Lazarus Group on Tron on February 28th, losing about 3.10 million US dollars, and the funds have been transferred from Tron to Ethereum. ETH was divided into ten addresses before being deposited into Tornado Cash.
3月1日消息,“链上侦探”ZachXBT在个人频道发文透露,某未知受害者于2月28日在Tron上遭朝鲜黑客Lazarus Group攻击,损失约310万美元,资金已从Tron转移到以太坊,ETH在存入Tornado Cash之前被分至十个地址。
According to Arkham data, wallets tagged as Lazarus Group have transferred more than $240 million in ETH through THORCHAIN as of now. These funds are mostly exchanged for native BTC.
据Arkham数据显示,截至目前,被标记为Lazarus Group的钱包已通过THORCHAIN转移了超过2.4亿美元的ETH。这些资金主要被兑换为原生BTC。
Ben Zhou, Bybit co-founder and chief executive, wrote a "shout-out" to eXch executive Sarah Nugent on the X platform. He said: "By freezing your Lazarus funds, you can earn a 5% cut... This is much more than what you can earn by helping with money laundering... Stand on the side of the good guys."
Bybit 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Ben Zhou 在 X 平台发文“喊话”eXch 高管 Sarah Nugent,他表示:“通过冻结 Lazarus 的资金,您可以赚取 5% 抽点......这比帮助洗钱所赚的要多得多....站到好人的一边。”
Bybit 首席执行官 Ben Zhou 在社交平台发文表示,“已上线 Lazarus 黑客组织赏金网站,展示关于 Lazarus 洗钱活动的透明数据。” 总赏金为追回资金的 10%,若全部资金追回,赏金总额可能高达 1.4 亿美元。具体分配如下:5% 给成功冻结资金的实体,5% 给帮助追踪资金的贡献者。
据Lookonchain监测,Bybit黑客(来自Lazarus Group)已转移1万枚ETH并开始清洗,目前Bybit黑客在53个钱包中持有489,395枚ETH(13.2亿美元)和1.5万枚cmETH(无法提取)。
According to ZachXBT monitoring, the North Korean hacking group Lazarus Group operated the stolen funds of the two hacking incidents of Bybit and Phemex through the same address (0x33d057af74779925c4b2e720a820387cb89f8f65), confirming the connection between the two incidents.
On-chain detective ZachXBT posted on social media that the Lazarus Group has just pooled a portion of the funds from the Bybit hack directly on-chain with the funds from the Phemex hack, mixing together the funds from the initial theft addresses of the two incidents.