News list for "lavorgna"

Agency: Stubborn price data undermines Federal Reserve's easing program

Joseph Lavorgna, chief economist at SMBC Nikko Securities, wrote that recent inflation and labor cost data cast doubt on the wisdom of the Federal Reserve's rate cut today. He pointed to data released today showing that unit labor costs rose 3.4% in the last four quarters to September, while core services inflation rose 4.4% year-over-year in the third quarter, well above the Fed's headline inflation target of 2%. "This makes us wonder...

2024-11-07 18:33:38

SMBC日兴证券首席经济学家Joseph Lavorgna写道,最近的通胀和劳动力成本数据让人们对美联储今日降息的明智性产生了疑问。他指出,今天公布的数据显示,在截至9月份的过去四个季度中,单位劳动力成本增长了3.4%,而第三季度核心服务通胀率同比增长4.4%,远高于美联储2%的整体通胀率目标。“这让我们想知道...

2024-11-07 18:33:38