News list for "jupuary"

Jupiter: Airdrop applications will start tomorrow at 23:30 Beijing time

Jupiter said in a post on the X platform that Jupuary airdrop applications will start at 23:30 Beijing time tomorrow. Airdrop applications will last for three months. If you are marked as a witch, you can file an appeal after January 27. Users must create a Jupuary profile to receive it.

2025-01-21 13:07:03
Jupiter:空投申领将于明日北京时间 23:30 开始

Jupiter 于 X 平台发文表示,Jupuary 空投申领将于明日北京时间 23:30 开始。空投申领将持续三个月,如果被标记为女巫,可以在 1 月 27 日后提出申诉,用户必须创建 Jupuary 个人资料才能领取。

2025-01-21 13:07:03
Jupiter Announces Launch of JUPuary 2025 Airdrop Inspector

Solana Eco DEX Jupiter announced the launch of the JUPuary 2025 Airdrop Checker. 700 million JUP tokens will be issued in three categories: 440 million JUP, 60 million JUP and 200 million JUP. Previously, the Jupiter community passed a new round of airdrop proposals with 87% support, and plans to issue a total of 1.40 billion JUP tokens in two installments over the next two years.

2025-01-15 22:58:01
Jupiter宣布上线JUPuary 2025空投检查器

Solana 生态 DEX Jupiter 宣布上线 JUPuary 2025 空投检查器。本次空投将发放 7 亿枚 JUP 代币,分为三大类:用户空投(4.40 亿 JUP)、质押者空投(6000 万 JUP)和激励池(2 亿 JUP)。 此前消息,Jupiter 社区以 87% 支持率通过新一轮空投提案,计划在未来两年内分两期发放总额 14 亿枚 JUP 代币。

2025-01-15 22:58:01
Jupiter: The second Jupuary vote is about to begin

Jupiter tweeted that the second Jupuary vote will begin around 12:00 Beijing time. BlockBeats previously reported that on November 30, the first Jupuary governance vote failed to reach the 70% absolute majority required to pass, with 58% in favor and 42% against. Jupiter co-creator Meow said, "As we seek a 70% absolute majority, there will be a second vote." The vote is intended to confirm whether the community accepts the addition of two more Jupuaries each containing 700 million JUPs. Jupiter ...

2024-12-04 03:21:15

Jupiter 于 X 发文表示,第二次 Jupuary 投票将在约北京时间 12 点开始。 BlockBeats 此前报道,11 月 30 日,第一次 Jupuary 治理投票未能达到通过所需的 70% 绝对多数,其中 58% 赞成,42% 反对。Jupiter 联创 Meow 表示,「由于我们寻求 70% 的绝对多数,因此将进行第二次投票。」投票旨在确认社区是否接受再增加两个各包含 7 亿枚 JUP 的 Jupuaries。Jupiter 补充称,这是其历史上最...

2024-12-04 03:21:15
Jupiter: The updated Jupuary proposal will be reviewed tomorrow and a second vote will be held

Jupiter said in a post on X that it will review the updated Jupuary proposal and initiate a second vote at 11:30 am (UTC + 8) on Wednesday.

2024-12-03 11:00:04

Jupiter 于 X 发文表示,将于周三上午 11:30(UTC+8)审查更新后的 Jupuary 提案并启动第二次投票。

2024-12-03 11:00:04
Jupiter Lianchuang: Jupuary governance vote did not receive 70% absolute majority, new proposal vote to be held next week

The Jupuary governance vote failed to reach the 70% supermajority required to pass, with 58% in favor and 42% against, Jupiter said in an X post. A vote on the new proposal is scheduled for early next week.

2024-11-29 17:28:40

Jupiter 联创 Meow 于 X 发文表示,Jupuary 治理投票未能达到通过所需的 70%绝对多数,其中 58%赞成,42%反对。新提案投票定于下周初进行。

2024-11-29 17:28:40
Jupiter: The first Jupuary vote will open on November 25 and will seek 70% support

Jupiter posted on X that the first Jupuary poll will open on November 25 and will seek 70% support. If the requirements are not met, the team will quickly iterate on new votes until the required support milestones are reached. Jupiter added that this was one of the most important votes in its history and one of the most interesting votes in the history of the DAO.

2024-11-24 05:04:20

Jupiter 于 X 发文表示,首次 Jupuary 投票将于 11 月 25 日开启,将寻求 70%的支持率。如果达不到要求,团队将快速迭代新的投票,直到达到所需的支持率里程碑。 Jupiter 补充称,这是其历史上最重要的投票之一,也是 DAO 历史上最有趣的投票之一。

2024-11-24 05:04:20