Tezos network rights holder Josh Jarrett and his wife, Jessica Jarrett, have again filed a lawsuit against the IRS, alleging its tax treatment of their tokens. In their latest lawsuit, filed in federal court in Tennessee on October 10, the Jarrett couple argued that the tokens they created by pledging should be treated as property and subject to taxation only when sold, and not before then. They argue that staking tokens involves creating a "new property" because no one else has owned them befor...
Tezos网络权益持有者JoshJarrett和他的妻子JessicaJarrett再次向美国国税局提起诉讼,指控其对其代币的税收处理。 在10月10日向田纳西州联邦法院提交的最新诉讼中,贾瑞特夫妇辩称,他们通过质押创造的代币应被视为财产,仅在出售时才需纳税,而不是在此之前。 他们认为,质押代币涉及创建一种“新财产”,因为之前没有其他人拥有过它们,这...
"Political event contracts should not be equated with betting activities such as the Super Bowl," Jessica Furr of Dragonfly Digital Management and Bryan Edelman, a consultant, wrote to the CFTC. "Elections have significant economic implications and these contracts are designed to provide critical risk hedging, comply with the requirements of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and provide the public with valuable predictive data." Drago...
来自 Dragonfly Digital Management 的 Jessica Furr 以及顾问 Bryan Edelman 致函美国 CFTC 表示:“政治事件合约不应等同于超级碗(Super Bowl)等博彩行为。选举具有重大的经济影响,这些合约旨在提供关键的风险对冲功能,符合《商品交易法》(CEA)的要求,并为公众提供有价值的预测数据。” Drago...