The Oracle Stack for API3 is now available on inEVM, giving developers access to decentralized data sources (dAPIs) and the upcoming OEV network to recapture protocol MEVs resulting from oracle updates.
6月11日消息,API3的Oracle Stack已在inEVM上可用,让开发人员可以访问去中心化数据源(dAPI)和即将推出的OEV网络,以重新捕获因预言机更新而产生的协议MEV。
INJ Hub said on the X platform that Injective inEVM will integrate Arbitrum Orbit, an integration designed to bring fully customized interoperability upgrades to Cosmos and Ethereum.
INJ Hub在X平台表示,Injective inEVM将集成Arbitrum Orbit,该集成旨在为 Cosmos 和以太坊带来完全定制的互操作性升级。
Injective Labs has announced plans to build a Layer-3 network "inEVM" based on Arbitrum. The network will connect the three blockchain networks of Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana, leveraging the Arbitrum Orbit toolkit to enhance interoperability and composability. "inEVM" is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), providing developers with new opportunities to build applications within the Ethereum Layer-2 ecosystem.
Injective Labs宣布计划计划基于Arbitrum建立Layer-3网络"inEVM"。该网络将连接Ethereum、Cosmos和Solana三大区块链网络,利用Arbitrum Orbit工具包提升互操作性和可组合性。"inEVM"兼容Ethereum虚拟机(EVM),为开发者提供在Ethereum Layer-2生态系统内构建应用的新机会。
Interoperable Layer1 blockchain Injective announced a partnership with AltLayer to introduce a re-staking security framework for on-chain inEVM applications.
Od据官方消息,Pyth Network 宣布其喂价功能 Price Feeds 已在 Injective inEVM 上线,此次部署是在 2023 年 4 月在Injective 主网上启动 Pyth Price Feeds 之后进行的。