News list for "hindenburg"

Nate Anderson, founder of short-selling agency Hindenburg: Decided to disband Hindenburg.

Nate Anderson, founder of short-selling agency Hindenburg: Decided to disband Hindenburg.

2025-01-16 05:22:21
The short-selling agency Hindenburg will be disbanded

Nate Anderson, founder of Hindenburg Research, a prominent US short-selling firm, said in a statement that he had decided to disband the research group. "Nearly 100 people, including billionaires and oligarchs, have been subject to civil or criminal prosecution by regulators at least in part because of our work," he wrote. "We have shaken up some empires that we believe need to be shaken up." "Right now, I will focus on making sure everyone on our team can achieve what they want next."

2025-01-16 06:39:54

美国知名做空机构兴登堡研究(Hindenburg Research)创始人内特·安德森(Nate Anderson)在一份声明中表示,他已决定解散这家研究机构。 “将近100人至少部分因为我们的工作而受到监管机构的民事或刑事起诉,其中不乏亿万富豪和寡头,” 他写道,“我们撼动了一些我们认为需要撼动的帝国。”“眼下,我将专注于确保我们团队中的每个人都能达成他们想要的下一个目标。”

2025-01-16 06:39:54