News list for "hannity"

Trump's first interview since taking office will be broadcast Thursday morning

Fox News host Sean Hannity will interview President Trump in the Oval Office on Wednesday for the first time since taking office, according to Axios. The interview will be pre-recorded and will air on the show starting at 9 p.m. ET on Wednesday (10 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday). Fox News confirmed to Axios that Trump is expected to discuss his second term as president, recent executive orders and expectations for his first 100 days in office. (Jin Ten)

2025-01-22 07:39:08

据 Axios 报道,福克斯新闻主持人Sean Hannity将于当地时间周三在椭圆形办公室采访特朗普总统。这是特朗普上任后首次接受采访。 这次采访将预先录制,并将在美东时间周三晚上9点(北京时间周四早上10点)开始的节目中播出。福克斯新闻向Axios证实,特朗普预计将讨论他的第二个总统任期、最近的行政命令以及上任前100天的预期。(金十)

2025-01-22 07:39:08
Trump's first interview since taking office will be broadcast Thursday morning

According to the AXIOS website, Fox News host Sean Hannity will interview President Trump in the Oval Office on Wednesday local time. This is Trump's first interview since taking office. The interview will be pre-recorded and will air on "Hannity" starting at 9 p.m. ET on Wednesday (10 a.m. Beijing time on Thursday). Fox News confirmed that Trump is expected to discuss his second term as president, recent executive orders and what to expect in his first 100 days in office.

2025-01-22 03:55:25