Anthony Sassano, founder of The Daily Gwei, accused Kyle Samani, co-founder of Multicoin Capital, of lying for profit on multiple occasions, and being close to SBF, participating in a number of "scams", questioning his ignorance of FTX anomalies. In this regard, Haseeb Qureshi, partner of Dragonfly Capital, said that the claim of collusion with SBF needs solid evidence, and Multicoin itself suffered losses due to FTX bankruptcy. He also recognized Kyle's investment ability, saying that he dared ...
The Daily Gwei创始人Anthony Sassano指控Multicoin Capital联合创始人Kyle Samani多次撒谎牟利,并与SBF关系密切,参与多项“骗局”,质疑其对FTX异常毫无察觉。对此,Dragonfly Capital合伙人Haseeb Qureshi称,与SBF勾结的说法需要确凿证据,Multicoin自身亦因FTX破产蒙受损失。他同时认可Kyle的投资能力,称其敢于押注冷门项目,是加密领域少有的逆向投资者,但个人风格备受争议。
Class A shares of the semiconductor sector rose, Kai Witt rose more than 10%, Tai Ling micro, Shanghai Beiling, style technology, Zhaoyi innovation, Taiwan-based shares and so on rose.
November 12th news, Tongwei shares announcement, concerned about the recent part of the media report Runyang shares part of the production capacity shutdown related matters, because the company's previous disclosure plans to increase capital to Runyang shares and the acquisition of relevant shareholders' equity, a total of Runyang shares not less than 51% of the equity, the total amount of the aforementioned transaction does not exceed RMB 5 billion yuan, after the completion of the transaction,...
On October 12, Vice Minister of Finance Wang Dongwei said at the press conference of the State Council Information Office that since 2020, our country has arranged a total of 18.70 trillion yuan of new special project bonds. The new special project debt limit will be 3.90 trillion in 2024, which is the largest ever. As of the end of September, new special project bonds will be issued in various places for 3.60 trillion yuan, accounting for 92.5% of the annual quota. The next step will be to stud...
On October 12, Vice Minister of Finance Wang Dongwei said at a press conference of the State Information Office on October 12 that since 2020, a total of 18.70 trillion yuan of new special project debt has been arranged to support about 130,000 government investment projects; in 2024, special project debt 3.90 trillion yuan will be arranged, which is the largest in history. On the one hand, focus on better play the driving role of government investment, conscientiously organize the distribution ...