News list for "gopax"

South Korean crypto exchange Gopax signs virtual asset commercial liability insurance

With the implementation of the Virtual Asset User Protection Act, South Korean crypto exchange Gopax has signed up for business liability insurance for virtual assets from Samsung Fire. The product covers accidents such as hacking attacks. According to the Virtual Asset User Protection Act, exchanges must store more than 80% of their coins in cold wallets. For cases where the value of virtual assets stored in hot wallets connected to the Internet exceeds 5%, insurance must be registered or a por...

2024-07-20 06:58:14

随着《虚拟资产用户保护法》的实施,韩国加密交易所 Gopax 签署了三星火灾的虚拟资产商业责任保险,该产品承保黑客攻击等意外事故。根据《虚拟资产用户保护法》规定,交易所必须将 80% 以上的币存储在冷钱包中。对于存储在连接互联网的热钱包中的虚拟资产价值超过 5% 的情况,必须注册保险或将留存收益的一部分作为准备金。

2024-07-20 06:58:14
Binance sold claims on Gopax's Genesis assets, causing Gopax to suffer losses

Binance, Gopax's largest shareholder, sold Gopax's claims on Genesis assets for less than half their face value. Initially, Binance promised to compensate investors for 100% of their losses (about 70 billion won at the time) when it shut down cryptocurrency deposit service Gopay last year, but instead of using equity funds to compensate victims, Binance paid for the compensation by selling the victims' claims on assets at a discount. Binance sold Gopax's claims on Genesis assets for less than ha...

2024-05-27 12:54:39
币安曾出售 Gopax 的 Genesis 资产债权,使 Gopax 遭受损失

Gopax 最大股东币安以不到面值一半的价格出售了 Gopax 的 Genesis 资产债权。最初,币安承诺在去年关闭加密货币存款服务 Gopay 时,赔偿投资者 100% 的损失(当时约 700 亿韩元),然而币安没有使用自有资金赔偿受害者,而是通过折价出售受害者的资产债权来支付赔偿金。币安以不到一半的价格出售了 Gopax 的 Genesis 资产债权,按照当时的市场价格计算,该索赔价...

2024-05-27 12:54:39

根据Streami年终财务报告,由Binance支持的韩国加密货币交易所Gopax在2023年的净亏损为513亿韩元(约合3700万美元),而2022年的净亏损为906亿韩元,该平台是韩国五家获得全面许可的加密货币交易所之一,去年的业绩同比有所改善,其收入增长了97%,达到31亿韩元,而净营业亏损则减少了78%,约为170亿韩元。 与此同时,Gopax在2023年的大部分损失都来自于Genesis Global Cap...

2024-04-12 09:29:07
CEO of Binance Visits South Korea to Discuss Improving Gopax Governance Structure

Richard Teng, CEO of Binance, has entered South Korea on an undisclosed itinerary. It is reported that during this visit, he will attempt to communicate with financial authorities, including meeting with officials from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). Resolve the stalled issue of entering South Korea.

2024-03-31 08:53:22

币安首席执行官Richard Teng以未公开的行程进入韩国,据悉,此次访问韩国期间,将尝试与金融当局进行沟通,包括会见金融情报机构(FIU)的官员。解决陷入僵局的进入韩国问题。  币安于2022年底收购Gopax,开始进军韩国市场。但一年多来,金融当局仍未接受Gopax虚拟资产业务变更报告,导致其进入韩国市场举步维艰。 预计Richard T...

2024-03-31 08:53:22