News list for "goldencarrotcapital"

DeepLink receives investment from GCCapital and enters into a strategic partnership with M3DAO

On August 8th, a top investment firm in Web3, GoldenCarrotCapital (GC Capital), has made a major investment in DeepLink, and DeepLink has reached a deep strategic cooperation with M3DAO. GC Capital, a venture capital firm, has highly recognized DeepLink's technology and market potential. This investment will accelerate DeepLink's innovation in technology research and development and market application. The founder and CEO of DeepLink said that this investment will help DeepLink seize more opport...

2024-08-08 16:19:31

8月8日消息,近日,Web3顶级投资公司GoldenCarrotCapital(GCCapital)对DeepLink进行了重大投资,同时DeepLink与M3DAO达成了深度战略合作。 风险投资公司GC Capital对DeepLink的技术和市场潜力给予高度认可,此次投资将加速DeepLink在技术研发和市场应用方面的创新。DeepLink的创始人兼CEO表示,这一投资将帮助DeepLink在快速变化的数字经济环境中抓住更多机会。与此...

2024-08-08 16:19:31