News list for "glxy"

Canaccord increases GLXY's list price from C $17 to C $23, maintaining buy rating

Broker Canaccord Genuity said in a research note on Monday that Galaxy Digital (GLXY), with its strong institutional presence, is well-positioned to benefit from continued adoption of digital assets on a structural basis, and raised its price target for the crypto financial services firm. Canaccord raised its price target on Galaxy to C $23 from C $17 while maintaining its buy rating on the stock, which closed at C $16.25 on Friday. Analysis led by Joseph Vafi...

2024-06-11 02:16:49

经纪商Canaccord Genuity在周一的一份研究报告中表示,Galaxy Digital(GLXY)凭借强大的机构影响力,将受益于数字资产在结构性基础上的持续采用,因此处于有利地位,并上调了这家加密金融服务公司的目标价。 Canaccord将Galaxy的目标股价从17加元上调至23加元,同时维持对该股的买入评级。该股周五收于16.25加元。 Joseph Vafi为首的分析...

2024-06-11 02:16:49