News list for "gavin"

One of Musk's assistants, Gavin Kliger, visited the IRS to inspect its operations

Gavin Kliger, one of Musk's top aides, visited the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Thursday to take a look at its operations, with the aim of overhauling the government.

2025-02-13 19:49:46
马斯克助手之一Gavin Kliger到访美国国税局,对其运营进行考察

马斯克的顶级助手之一加文·克里格(Gavin Kliger)周四到访美国国税局(IRS),对其运营进行了考察,旨在对政府进行改革。

2025-02-13 19:49:46
Gavin Wood: Polkadot currently has a Satoshi coefficient of 149, much higher than Ethereum and Solana

Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Polkadot, expressed his satisfaction with the decentralization of Polkadot in a recent interview with Forbes. According to Nakaflow data, Polkadot currently has a Satoshi coefficient of 149, which means that it would take at least 149 independent validators to join forces to break the network. In comparison, some other major blockchains score...

2025-02-05 04:55:03
Gavin Wood:目前Polkadot的中本聪系数为149,远高于以太坊和Solana

以太坊联合创始人及Polkadot创始人Gavin Wood在接受《福布斯》最新采访时表示对 Polkadot的去中心化感到满意,根据Nakaflow数据Polkadot目前的中本聪系数为149,这意味着至少需要149个独立验证者联合起来才能破坏这个网络。相比之下,其他一些主要区块链的得分...

2025-02-05 04:55:03
Gavin Wood: 2024 is a watershed for Polkadot, with the Proof-of-Personhood mechanism to be launched in 2025

According to PolkaWorld's Polkadot Weekly, Gavin Wood recently released the 2024 annual summary, arguing that 2023/2024 is a watershed for Polkadot, and its core goals have undergone a clear shift. From focusing on achieving the limited range of product goals in the white paper, to optimization, stability improvement and product refinement to better meet market needs. Technically, many major advances have been proposed and implemented in 2024; ecologically, projects represented by Mythical Games...

2024-12-29 04:22:23
Gavin Wood:2024年是Polkadot分水岭,将于2025年推出Proof-of-Personhood机制

根据PolkaWorld发布的波卡周报,Gavin Wood近日发布2024年度总结,认为2023/2024是Polkadot的分水岭,其核心目标发生了明显的转变。从专注于实现白皮书中有限范围的产品目标,转向了优化、稳定性提升和产品精细化,以更好地满足市场需求。技术上,在2024年相继提出并实施了很多重大进展;生态上以Mythical Game为代表的项目正在将Polkadot性能推向极限...

2024-12-29 04:22:23
Polka founder: JAM 1.0 is expected to be completed and enter the audit phase by April 2025

On December 19th, Polkadot founder Gavin Wood recently announced the latest progress of JAM at the Polkadot Fellowship Call. Important information is as follows: 1. JAM SDK: Parity has released v0.1, which allows Rust developers to create services and upload them to JAM. 2. CoreVM: Parity will launch the initial version of CoreVM in January at the latest, which is the first official service; it is the first to run arbitrary code on the blockchain without gas or block restrictions, achieving true...

2024-12-19 15:23:13
波卡创始人:预计JAM 1.0将在2025年4月前完成并进入审计阶段

12月19日消息,波卡(Polkadot)创始人 Gavin Wood 近日在 Polkadot Fellowship Call 上公布了 JAM 的最新进展。重要信息如下: 1、JAM SDK:Parity 已经推出了 v0.1,支持 Rust 开发者创建服务并上传到 JAM。 2、CoreVM:Parity 最迟一月份推出 CoreVM 的初始版本,这是第一个正式服务;首创在区块链上运行任意代码,无需受 Gas 限制或区块限制约束,实现真正的图灵完备性;此外,Gavin...

2024-12-19 15:23:13
Polkadot Launches Proof-of-Ink Digital Identity Solution

Parity Technologies, a subsidiary of Polkadot Gavin Wood, is about to launch a Web3 authentication solution called Proof-of-Ink, which aims to prove users' digital identities in a form that protects privacy through a unique tattoo. According to Gavin Wood, Proof-of-Ink is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2024. Users will be required to get a unique, algorithmically generated tattoo on a specific body part and upload the last three-minute video of the tattoo process as proof of di...

2024-08-23 10:06:52

Polkadot 联创 Gavin Wood 旗下 Parity Technologies 即将推出名为 Proof-of-Ink 的 Web3 身份验证解决方案,旨在通过独特的纹身方式,以保护隐私的形式证明用户的数字身份。 Gavin Wood 表示,Proof-of-Ink 预计将在 2024 年第四季度推出。用户需在特定身体部位纹上算法生成的独特纹身,并通过上传纹身过程的最后三分钟视频作为数字身份的证明。此外,用户需支付少量 DOT 代币或社区共...

2024-08-23 10:06:52
Gavin Wood发布初始Jam规范,探讨Polkadot未来提案的内容

4月18日消息,Polkadot创始人 Gavin Wood 发布灰皮书中初始 Jam 规范,探讨了 Polkadot 未来提案的内容。灰皮书定义了 Jam,融合了 Polkadot 和以太坊元素,提供全局无需许可的对象环境,结合了安全的旁路计算,可在可扩展的节点网络上并行运行。 Jam 引入了去中心化混合系统,构建了智能合约功能,主要由 Polkadot 的底层架构驱动。Jam 是无需许可的,允许任何人部署代...

2024-04-18 11:00:44