News list for "flowbank"

TrueUSD: Since April 2024, TUSD has closed its bank account with FlowBank

TrueUSD wrote that since April 2024, TUSD has closed its bank account with FlowBank and currently has no reserve risk or banking relationship with FlowBank. The Swiss financial marekt regulator FINMA has taken the decision to close FlowBank.

2024-06-14 04:10:07

TrueUSD发文称,自2024年4月起,TUSD已关闭其在FlowBank的银行账户,目前与FlowBank没有储备金风险或银行业务关系。 此前报道,瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)已做出关闭FlowBank的决定。

2024-06-14 04:10:07
Swiss financial marekt closes crypto bank FlowBank and starts bankruptcy proceedings

The Swiss financial marekt regulator (FINMA) has taken the decision to shut down FlowBank, a Swiss online bank that provides cryptocurrency services to clients, saying the bank no longer has enough capital to sustain its banking operations and there are good reasons to be concerned that the bank is currently over-indebted and has no prospect of restructuring. It is reported that Swiss law firm Walder Wyss has been appointed as the bank's insolvency liquidator by FINMA.

2024-06-13 22:11:08

瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)已做出关闭 FlowBank 的决定,FlowBank 是一家为客户提供加密货币服务的瑞士网上银行,监管机构称该银行不再拥有足够的资本来维持其银行业务,而且有充分理由担心该银行目前负债过多且没有重组的前景,据悉瑞士律师事务所 Walder Wyss 已被 FINMA 任命为该银行的破产清算人。

2024-06-13 22:11:08