US Senator Elizabeth Warren has sent a 34-page letter to SEC chair nominee Paul Atkins, focusing on its ties to failed crypto trading platform FTX and the potential conflicts of interest posed by Trump's issue of Memecoin. In the letter, Warren pointed out that Patomak Global Partners, a consulting firm founded by Atkins, advised FTX in 2022 and has clients in banks, crypto exchanges, and DeFi platforms. He himself joined the advisory board of The Digital Chamber, a blockchain industry associati...
美国参议员 Elizabeth Warren 向 SEC 主席提名人 Paul Atkins 发出一封长达 34 页的质询信,关注其与破产加密交易平台 FTX 的关联,以及特朗普发行的 Memecoin 带来的潜在利益冲突。Warren 在信中指出,Atkins 所创立的咨询公司 Patomak Global Partners 曾在 2022 年为 FTX 提供顾问服务,并拥有多家银行、加密交易所及 DeFi 平台客户。他本人亦于 2020 年加入区块链行业协会 The Digital Chamber 的顾问委...
据Cointelegraph消息,Tether 已冻结 TRON 链上4个地址中价值 601,798美元的USDT。
According to MistTrack, Tether has just frozen a total of 601,798.37 USDT on four TRON addresses.
据 MistTrack 监测,Tether 刚刚在四个 TRON 地址上冻结了总计 601,798.37 USDT。
3月24日消息,据SoSoValue数据,上周以太坊现货ETF整体录得1.03亿美元净流出。其中,贝莱德ETHA净流出7400万美元居首,灰度迷你信托ETF ETH净流出2367万美元。唯一录得净流入的为灰度ETHE,流入287万美元。当前以太坊现货ETF总资产净值为67.7亿美元,占ETH总市值的2.84%。历史累计净流入24.2亿美元。
据The Block报道,开发者Gunboats将Tornado Cash协议移植至MegaETH公共测试网,该网络支持每秒20,000笔交易。 Gunboats受美国财政部解除 Tornado Cash 制裁的启发,将其部署至MegaETH,并命名为ETHTornado。他使用Truffle框架完成移植,并表示如今可通过Foundry轻松编写Solidity智能合约。 Gunboats认为此类限制无意义,并强调当前ETHTornado活跃度较低,主要因缺乏易用的前端。
据 DeFilama 平台数据显示,截止 3 月 33 日,Ethena TVL 突破 65 亿美元,创历史新高,达 65.58 亿美元。其中 USDe 供应量达 54.13 亿枚,USDtb 供应量达 11.42 亿枚。
Tether, the world's largest stablecoin issuer, is in talks with a Big Four accounting firm to press ahead with its long-promised reserve audit. Tether, which has issued more than $140 billion worth of dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies, claims each token is backed by dollar-denominated assets and only publishes quarterly reports and has yet to complete a full audit. Paolo Ardoino, Tether's chief executive, did not disclose the firm or audit timeline under discussion, saying: "This [audit] is our hig...
全球最大稳定币发行方 Tether 正与一家四大会计师事务所接洽,推进其长期承诺的储备审计。Tether 已发行了价值超过 1400 亿美元的与美元挂钩的加密货币,公司声称每一枚代币均有美元计价资产作为支撑,目前仅发布季度报告,尚未完成完整审计。Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino 未透露正在洽谈的具体事务所或审计时间表,他称:“这(审计)是我们最优先事项。” Tethe...
According to Ethena's official statement, Germany's BaFin has informed its Frankfurt-based entity Ethena GmbH that the MiCAR compliance application will not be approved, but the decision does not affect the current listing of USDe on the exchange and the casting and redemption services through British Virgin Islands entity Ethena (BVI) Limited. Ethena stressed that USDe is still fully asset-backed and has not been "frozen". Other regulatory paths will be evaluated in the future, and the relevant...
据Ethena官方声明,德国BaFin已通知其位于法兰克福的实体Ethena GmbH的MiCAR合规申请将不被批准,但该决定不影响USDe当前交易所上市及通过英属维京群岛实体Ethena (BVI) Limited的铸造与赎回服务。 Ethena强调,USDe仍为全额资产支持,不存在被“冻结”情况。未来将评估其他监管路径,并将在未来一周内修订相关服务条款以反映当前变化。该事件不影响大多数用户的正常使用流程。
According to BaFin's official website announcement, the German financial regulator BaFin has suspended Ethena GmbH's new business of issuing USDe stablecoins in Germany, citing significant organizational deficiencies and compliance violations in the MiCAR licensing process, including improper management of asset reserves and failure to meet capital base requirements. BaFin has taken the following measures: freezing Ethena GmbH's asset reserves, restricting management's right to dispose of assets...
据BaFin官网公告,德国金融监管局BaFin已叫停Ethena GmbH在德国发行USDe稳定币的新业务,理由是其在MiCAR许可流程中存在重大组织缺陷和合规违规行为,包括资产储备管理不当与资本金要求未达标。 BaFin已采取如下措施:冻结Ethena GmbH的资产储备、限制管理层对资产的处置权、关闭其官网相关功能、并指派专员监督执行。此外,BaFin还怀疑Ethena G...