News list for "engine"

Kaito AI founder: KAITO pledge reward has been launched

On February 21, Yu Hu, founder of AI-based crypto search engine Kaito AI, said in a social media post, "The KAITO staking reward has been launched, and about 10% of the tokens have been staked, with an annualized yield of 70%. It is expected that this yield will gradually return to normal in the next few days. Investors/foundations/teams' lock-up tokens cannot be staked. The current source of rewards is liquidity incentives, but starting next week, as network fees increase, this will turn into n...

2025-02-21 06:38:29
xAI launched a Grok-3 intelligent search engine called Deepsearch.

xAI launched a Grok-3 intelligent search engine called Deepsearch.

2025-02-18 04:55:54
The Grok voice assistant will be available to users in the coming weeks

xAI engineers say the Grok voice assistant is currently being refined and will be available to users in the coming weeks.

2025-02-18 05:11:53
Kaito AI: KAITO Yaps snapshots taken

On February 17, KaitoAI, an AI-based encrypted search engine, officially announced that the KAITOYaps snapshot was taken at 12:00 Beijing time today. KaitoAI will also take a snapshot of KaitoGenesisNFT at 12:00 Beijing time on February 18 to notify and reserve time for those who are trading.

2025-02-17 10:32:26
Kaito AI founder: KAITO token has been deployed on the chain and has not yet been officially launched

On February 16, Yu Hu, founder of AI-based crypto search engine Kaito AI, said in a social media post, "Some people have discovered our token deployment on the chain. KAITO tokens are not officially launched yet - please only trust our official newsletter on allocation percentages and other related matters. More information will be announced at a later date."

2025-02-16 14:51:31
A British man is considering buying a landfill to recover a hard drive containing 8,000 BTC

On February 10, according to the Guardian, James Howells, an IT engineer from Newport, UK, has spent a decade trying to find a 600 million-pound bitcoin fortune he believes is buried in a municipal dump in south Wales, and he is considering buying the site in order to find the missing wealth. James Howells lost his case in the UK High Court last month, failing to force Newport City Council to allow him to search the dump to retrieve a hard drive he claims contains 8,000 bitcoins.

2025-02-10 11:17:01
Raydium derivatives contract daily trading volume has reached $100 million

Raydium, Solana's decentralized crypto trading engine, launched derivatives contracts a few weeks ago, with daily trading volume exceeding $100 million. Such contracts allow cryptocurrency traders to speculate on price fluctuations without holding actual tokens. Currently, it is Solana's third most popular perpetual contract trading platform, behind the ecosystem's trading giants Jupiter and Drift. It is reported that Raydium's perpetual contract trading is supported by Orderly Network, an S...

2025-02-05 21:18:52
Jump Trading is suing its former engineers for founding competing projects and secretly raising funds

Jump Trading has filed a lawsuit against Liam Heeger, its former software engineer, alleging that he is now running a "competitive business" and breaching non-compete obligations. The company alleges that Heeeger, who co-led Firedancer, a large blockchain project at Jump, violated non-compete agreements after he resigned from the company on November 11. The documents show that Heeger started a new blockchain development business to "compete directly with Jump". Jump said Heeger had been valued a...

2025-01-23 09:49:38
Report: North Korean hackers expand attack scope to target IT and crypto industries

According to TechCrunch, the "Lazarus Group", a North Korean hacking group, extended social engineering attacks to multinational IT companies to steal cryptocurrencies. The study found that the "Sapphire Sleet" and "Ruby Sleet" groups spread malicious software through fake recruitment and infiltrated to steal secrets, respectively. North Korean IT personnel also used false identities and technical means to infiltrate.

2024-11-28 22:55:25
The two major economic engines of the euro zone "collectively stall", the European Central Bank interest rate cuts are expected to surge, this ebb and flow, is there an end to the pressure road in Europe and the United States? Investment banks pointed out that the European Central Bank is likely to cut interest rates by 50 basis points... > >

The two major economic engines of the euro zone "collectively stall", the European Central Bank interest rate cuts are expected to surge, this ebb and flow, is there an end to the pressure road in Europe and the United States? Investment banks pointed out that the European Central Bank is likely to cut interest rates by 50 basis points... > >

2024-11-25 04:03:02
China-Russia East Line Natural Gas Pipeline Project Completed

On November 18th, the National Pipeline Network Group announced today (18th) that the China-Russia East Route Natural Gas Pipeline Project, an important energy channel in our country, has been completed and entered the final preparatory stage before putting into production. The total length of the China-Russia East Route Natural Gas Pipeline is 5,111 kilometers. It starts from Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province in the north and reaches Shanghai in the south. After the whole line is completed, it ...

2024-11-17 22:26:15
Meta is developing an artificial intelligence search engine

Meta is developing an artificial intelligence search engine.

2024-10-28 15:08:58
Vitalik: Light client side verification to achieve generalization requires L2 configuration and other steps

On October 26th, a16z engineer @NoahCitron said on the X platform that Helios is becoming the multi-chain light client side of Ethereum. The light client side is the foundation for Ethereum's expansion. The future with thousands of Rollups doesn't seem far away, and the closer you get to that goal, the more important Rollup interoperability becomes. Vitalik replied that this is an important step, and the next steps include: Helios (or alternative) is integrated into the user wallet, L2 configura...

2024-10-26 02:55:46
Former FTX engineering director asks judge not to send FTX to jail for collapse

Nishad Singh, the former director of engineering at FTX, asked the judge not to send him to prison for the collapse of FTX. In a memo filed with a federal judge in Manhattan on Wednesday night, Nishad Singh's lawyers said he deserved leniency given his limited role in the FTX bankruptcy, his close cooperation with investigators and his commitment to living an "exemplary life".

2024-10-17 05:13:58
Coinbase senior software engineer: US's friendliness towards cryptocurrency will spark a flood of innovation on the chain

Imagine a future in which the regulatory environment in the US is even moderately friendly to cryptocurrencies. Can you imagine what kind of flood of on-chain innovation this will trigger? This will make DeFi Summer seem like child's play. Now... what if we were only 20 days away from that future?

2024-10-17 01:33:51

7x24 Newsflash

01:35 2025-03-29
据 Decrypt 报道,巴西副总统高级顾问 Pedro Giocondo Guerra 在最近的一次演讲中代表政府表示:“比特币的战略储备对于国家繁荣至关重要。关于建立 BTC 储备的讨论可能是决定巴西繁荣的关键因素,符合国家和公众的利益。”。巴西议员 Eros Biondini (PL-MG) 此前提出了一项立法,提议建立“战略主权比特币储备”(RESBit)。将 5% 的外汇储备(国际储备...
01:19 2025-03-29
01:10 2025-03-29
某交易员于HyperLiquid 25倍做多ETH,仓位名义价值762万美元
据 OnchainLens 监测,交易员 @izebel_eth 向 HyperLiquid 存入 200 万枚 USDC 并开启 ETH 25 倍杠杆多单仓位,名义规模 4,000 枚 ETH,名义价值 762 万美元。 该交易员并以 13.5 美元均价购买 10 万枚 HYPE,花费 134 万美元。
00:43 2025-03-29
00:43 2025-03-29
当地时间 3 月 28 日,美国总统特朗普计划在未来几天公布新的关税,他表示对与其他国家达成关税协议持一定开放态度,但他暗示任何协议都将在 4 月 2 日关税措施生效后达成。特朗普在前往佛罗里达的“空军一号”上接受记者采访时被问及是否愿意与英国等国家...
00:38 2025-03-29
国内新闻:1. 习近平会见国际工商界代表。2. 中国人民银行召开2025年金融稳定工作会议。3. 十部门:到2027年力争国内铝土矿资源量增长3%—5%。4. 国家市场监督管理总局:依法对长和港口交易进行审查。5. 市场监管总局将加快推进人工智能领域国家标准研制工作。6. 中国人寿保险(集团)公司原党委书记、总裁杨超被查。7. 国务院办公厅发布关于建立健全涉企收费长效监管机制的指导意见。8. 证监会公布《上市公司信息披露管理办法》,自2025年7月1日起施行。9. 李强主持召开国务院常务会议,审议通过《关于优化口岸开放布局的若干意见》。10. 国家金融监督管理总局:逐步建立起具有鲜明中国特色的银行业保险业养老金融体系。国际新闻:1. 特朗普贸易政策-特朗普:任何关税协议都将在4月2日措施生效后达成。印度考虑应美国要求降低农产品关税。特朗普与卡尼通话表示绝对会落实对加拿大的关税;将在加拿大选举结束后与卡尼会晤。卡尼表示已告知特朗普将实施报复性关税。知情人士:欧盟计划对特朗普作出 “让步”。2. 现货黄金刷新历史高位至3086.75美元/盎司。3. 苏丹武装部队说已全面控制首都喀土穆。4....
00:19 2025-03-29
区块链平台Oasys宣布与Animechain.ai达成战略合作,联合开发基于区块链的知识产权(IP)保护方案,以应对AI时代的版权侵权问题。 双方将使用AnimeChain框架进行概念验证,确保创作者对作品的控制权与收益权。此次合作还强调道德与可持续的创意生产,推动代币经济与现实资产(RWA)的融合,助力全球创意产业安全发展。
00:19 2025-03-29
冲突情况:1. 俄罗斯国防部:乌克兰试图攻击俄罗斯萨拉托夫地区的石油精炼基础设施。2. 乌克兰国家石油天然气公司:俄罗斯攻击造成乌克兰天然气生产设施受损。3. 乌克兰哈尔科夫市长:俄罗斯的无人机夜间袭击摧毁了为本市一个邻近地区提供热源的锅炉房。4. 俄罗斯国防部:俄罗斯武装部队在过去一周内进行了七次集团打击,打击了乌克兰军事机场、武装部队训练中心和弹药库。俄罗斯军队已控制乌克兰东部的克拉斯内彼尔什镇。其他情况:1. 克里姆林宫:俄罗斯总统普京并没有向美国总统特朗普提出乌克兰暂时由他国管理的提议。2. 乌克兰总统泽连斯基:乌克兰军方在俄国库尔斯克地区以外采取了“某些措施”。3. 俄罗斯总统普京将所有俄罗斯银行的卢布天然气支付期限延长至7月。4. 克里姆林宫:如果基辅违反协议,俄罗斯保留退出能源攻击暂停协议的权利。5. 克里姆林宫:俄罗斯总统普京与土耳其总统埃尔多安讨论能源项目和黑海倡议。6. 俄总统新闻秘书:俄军继续执行暂停打击乌能源设施命令。7. 乌克兰总统泽连斯基:乌克兰愿意与除俄罗斯总统普京以外的任何其他俄罗斯代表进行谈判。8. 国际货币基金组织:已完成对乌克兰扩展融资安排的审核,...
00:10 2025-03-29
Coinbase 将 Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT) 添加到上币路线图
据官方公告,Coinbase 将 Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT) 添加到上币路线图。
00:06 2025-03-29
全球最大白银ETF--iShares Silver Trust持仓较上日增加28.3吨,当前持仓量为13944.69吨。欢迎点击查看数据中心...
全球最大白银ETF--iShares Silver Trust持仓较上日增加28.3吨,当前持仓量为13944.69吨。欢迎点击查看数据中心...
00:02 2025-03-29
00:00 2025-03-29
全球最大黄金ETF--SPDR Gold Trust持仓较上日增加2.29吨,当前持仓量为931.94吨
全球最大黄金ETF--SPDR Gold Trust持仓较上日增加2.29吨,当前持仓量为931.94吨