News list for "emea"

Markets may be concerned about the Federal Reserve's initial impression of the Trump administration

Geoff Yu, EMEA market strategist at Bank of New York, said that the Federal Reserve's federal funds rate is expected to remain unchanged this week, and the market may pay more attention to the Federal Open Market Committee's initial impression of the Trump administration. He said that this will certainly be a central issue at the press conference of Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell. He said that Bank of New York believes that the macroeconomic outlook is little changed compared to Decem...

2025-01-28 21:46:55

纽约银行EMEA市场策略师Geoff Yu表示,预计本周美联储的联邦基金利率将维持不变,市场可能会更加关注联邦公开市场委员会对特朗普政府的初步印象。他表示,这肯定会成为美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔新闻发布会上的核心问题。他说,纽约银行认为,与去年12月相比,宏观经济前景几乎没有变化,美联储可能会承认,进一步的宽松政策将渐进进行,但仍取决于数据。(金十)

2025-01-28 21:46:55