News list for "edge"

Mintoak 以 350 万美元收购 CBDC 初创公司 Digiledge

印度金融科技公司 Mintoak 近日以约 350 万美元收购了专注于央行数字货币领域的初创公司 Digiledge。这是印度 CBDC 领域首个并购案例,Mintoak 此前获得了 PayPal 和 HDFC 银行的投资支持。 通过此次收购,Mintoak 将整合 Digiledge 在 CBDC 和账单支付方面的专业技术,为其合作银行(包括 HDFC 银行、Axis 银行和印度国家银行)提供更全面的数字卢比支付解决方案。

2025-03-04 11:11:23
Bitcoin staking platform Acre completes $4 million strategic financing

Bitcoin staking platform Acre completed a $4 million strategic financing, with participation from Draper Dragon, Big Brain Holdings and Orange DAO. Acre co-founder and CEO Laura Wallendal said the round was in the form of a future equity simple agreement and token subscription rights, and Wallendal said the $90 million valuation represents a fully diluted valuation for the yet-to-be-launched ACRE token.

2025-02-20 17:34:13
Thailand plans to issue $148 million in tokenized government bonds by October

According to ledgerinsights, Thai Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira said that the government plans to issue 5 billion baht ($148 million) government bonds directly to the public before the end of the fiscal year (September 30). The initial issuance will be considered a sandbox project and can be traded on a digital bond platform. The minister said: "We will involve retail investors, regardless of their financial situation. They can invest any amount, buy and sell directly on the platform, aro...

2025-02-20 06:13:46

据ledgerinsights报道,泰国财政部长Pichai Chunhavajira表示,政府计划在本财年结束前(9月30日)直接向公众发行50亿泰铢(1.48亿美元)政府债券。首次发行将被视为沙盒项目,可在数字债券平台上交易。 部长表示:“我们将让散户投资者参与进来,无论他们的财务状况如何。他们可以投资任意金额,直接在平台上买卖,绕...

2025-02-20 06:13:46
Phemex Stolen 85 million Dollars Began Flowing, Partly Into Tornado Cash

According to Global Ledger analysis, $85 million of stolen funds from crypto trading platform Phemex is flowing through a series of transfers, protocols and coin mixing services. Hackers began to split the funds into multiple new addresses and transfer them to the Tornado Cash mixer. The first 2,080 ETH (about $6 million) has been dispersed to 14 new addresses, and the current main attack wallet has less than 4,000 ETH left. The transfer method involves multiple jumps and cross-chain interaction...

2025-02-19 21:09:06
Phemex被盗8500万美元资金开始流动,部分流入Tornado Cash

据 Global Ledger 分析,加密交易平台 Phemex 的 8500 万美元被盗资金正在通过一系列转账、协议和混币服务流动。黑客开始将资金拆分至多个新地址,并转移至 Tornado Cash 混币器。首批 2080 ETH(约 600 万美元)已分散至 14 个新地址,当前主攻击钱包剩余不到 4000 ETH。转账方式涉及多次跳转和跨链交互。 除了直接转移到 Tornado Cash 和 eXch 混合器以匿名化资金外,黑客有时还使用 Wintermute、DL...

2025-02-19 21:09:06
The SEC has confirmed receipt of an application for the Bitwise Spot XRP ETF

According to Cointelegraph, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has confirmed receipt of an application for the Bitwise Spot XRP ETF.

2025-02-18 18:28:19
Starknet: STRK Pledge Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in Q2, and Phase 3 is scheduled to begin in Q4

"The second phase of STRK staking will begin in a few months [in the second quarter of 2025]," Starknet said in a post on the X platform. "The main goal of the second phase is to allow validators to take an active role in staking and to evaluate their active level before they take on the formal role of consensus. The third phase is planned to begin in the fourth quarter of 2025. To achieve this goal, Starknet proposes to introduce validator block proofs and possibly include a commission increase...

2025-02-18 17:24:47
State Street Bank to Launch Cryptocurrency Custody Service in 2026

According to Ledger Insights, State Street plans to launch a crypto custody service next year. Last year, State Street partnered with Taurus to develop custody technology. A survey by State Street in the middle of last year revealed strong customer interest in digital asset custody - including tokenization and cryptocurrencies - but greater interest in cryptocurrencies. State Street Bank's assets under custody (AUC) amount to $46.60 trillion, making it the second largest custodian in the world.

2025-02-18 07:34:05
道富银行将于 2026 年推出加密货币托管服务

据 Ledger Insights 报道,道富银行计划于明年推出加密货币托管服务。去年道富银行与 Taurus 合作开发托管技术。道富银行去年年中的一项调查显示,客户对数字资产托管有着浓厚的兴趣——包括代币化和加密货币,但对加密货币的兴趣更大。 据悉,道富银行的托管资产 (AUC) 规模达 46.6 万亿美元,是全球第二大托管机构。

2025-02-18 07:34:05
Celestia founder: support for setting lock-up limits on TIA pledge rewards

The Celestia community initiated a proposal to set a lock limit on the staking reward of the lock-up token, and keep the unlock time of the staking reward consistent with the original lock-up token. In response to the proposal, Celestia founder Mustafa Al-Bassam wrote in support: "Let's complete this proposal. Most of the current PoS networks do not lock in investors' share of the pledge reward. This proposal solves Celestia's problem, and other Cosmos SDK chains can also adopt this scheme."

2025-02-13 02:49:28
Goldman Sachs pointed out that hedge funds were snapping up Chinese stocks last week at their strongest buying pace in four months. Click to view...

Goldman Sachs pointed out that hedge funds were snapping up Chinese stocks last week at their strongest buying pace in four months. Click to view...

2025-02-11 08:17:27
Analysis: Ethereum short positions have increased by 40% in a week and by 500% since November.

The Kobeissi Letter said in a post on X that ZeroHedge's new chart shows that Ethereum is facing record short selling by hedge funds, with the number of CME futures contracts hitting a new high of 11,341. Short positions on Ethereum have increased by 40% in one week and by 500% since November 2024. It points out that the history of Ethereum shows a clear correlation between large short positions and subsequent price crashes.

2025-02-10 06:42:49

The Kobeissi Letter于X发文表示,ZeroHedge的新图表显示,以太坊正面临对冲基金创纪录的做空,CME期货合约数量创下11,341份的新高。以太坊的空头仓位在一周内增加了40%,自2024年11月以来增长500%。 其指出,以太坊的历史表明,大量做空头寸与随后的价格暴跌之间存在明显的相关性。

2025-02-10 06:42:49
XRP Ledger区块生产昨日暂停一小时后恢复正常

据 Decrypt 报道,XRP Ledger (XRPL) 在周二约有一个小时区块生产暂停,随后自发恢复,标志着这一加密货币最古老网络之一的罕见中断。 网络活动在高度 93927173 处冻结,随后验证节点立即展开调查。XRP Ledger (XRPL) 随后恢复了正常操作,未报告资产或交易丢失。

2025-02-05 02:01:59

7x24 Newsflash

08:48 2025-03-14
08:45 2025-03-14
Matrixport:全球流动性改善,但 Meme 币市场仍未显复苏迹象,比特币风险依然存在
3月14日消息,Matrixport 报告披露,尽管近期美元走弱推动全球流动性指标回升,通胀数据也略有改善,但加密货币市场中的模因币板块仍表现低迷,未显复苏迹象。 报告指出,山寨币市场在 2024 年 12 月初达到顶峰后开始下滑,模因币泡沫在今年 1 月破裂,导致加密货币市场总市值从 3.6 万亿美元减少至 2.6 万亿美元。 基于 Solana 的 P...
08:39 2025-03-14
08:38 2025-03-14
08:37 2025-03-14
08:36 2025-03-14
08:35 2025-03-14
08:32 2025-03-14
08:27 2025-03-14
Zhu Su 指控 FTX 在 2022 年 5 月未经授权出售其资产
三箭资本联合创始人Zhu Su 在 X 发文表示,FTX 交易所在 2022 年 5 月未经授权将三箭资本存放在该平台的大量加密货币兑换成美元。 Zhu Su 强调这些资产并非"借给" FTX,该交易所无权处置这些资金。Zhu Su还表示不应该赦免 Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF),并呼吁将其监禁 250 年。
08:23 2025-03-14
08:21 2025-03-14 获迪拜 VARA 颁发的许可证 于今日获得迪拜虚拟资产监管局(VARA)颁发的有限许可证,允许其在阿联酋提供衍生品交易服务。 此许可将使 能够在区域市场推出期货合约、永续互换合约和差价合约(CFD)等衍生品产品。公司计划首先向全球合格机构开放这些产品,随后将向合格投资者提供服务。该许可还为 零售用户提供美元法币通道,用户可通过渣打银行进行美元存取款。
08:19 2025-03-14
港股收评:恒指强势回升盘中一度涨逾600点 内险、医药股表现亮眼