Raj Dhamodharan, head of Mastercard's crypto and blockchain business, said the company has moved from the experimental stage to providing actual crypto solutions. Mastercard recently partnered with compliance firm Notabene to integrate its Crypto Credential system into the SafeTransact platform, enabling users to transfer crypto assets via email addresses instead of complex wallet addresses. Dhamodharan pointed out that Mastercard will focus on three areas in 2025...
万事达卡加密与区块链业务主管 Raj Dhamodharan 表示,公司已从实验阶段转向提供实际加密解决方案。万事达卡近期与合规公司 Notabene 合作,将其 Crypto Credential 系统整合至 SafeTransact 平台,实现用户通过电子邮件地址代替复杂钱包地址进行加密资产转账。 Dhamodharan 指出,万事达卡 2025 年将重点发展三个领域...