According to the DFINITY announcement, the Solenoid upgrade has been officially completed, and the edge infrastructure of the ICP has been fully decentralized. Previously, the Boundary Nodes were operated by the DFINITY Foundation, but under the new architecture, the Boundary Nodes were split into API Boundary Nodes and HTTP Gateways, responsible for request routing and HTTP request transformation respectively, thus improving cyber security, scalability and decentralization. At present, ICP has ...
11月5日消息,根据开发商Dfinity基金会11月4日发布的报告,互联网计算机(Internet Computer)的跨链消息传递协议Chain Fusion的使用量同比增长了1,230%,主要来自比特币原生应用程序。 Dfinity表示,包括Rainbow Protocol、Tap Protocol和Bitfinity在内的比特币应用正在使用Internet Computer在比特币网络上部署智能合约和其他复杂程序,Chain Fusion“为比特币启用了智能合约,因为I...
On August 14th, DFINITY ICP announced the introduction of threshold Schnorr signatures, enabling users to easily access protocols such as Ordinals and BRC-20 by signing Taproot transactions, and enabling developers to create a wide range of use cases based on this. The integration also includes access to the full block header of Bitcoin.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has partnered with the Dfinity Foundation to launch a blockchain-based Universal Trusted Certificate (UTC) pilot project in Cambodia. Internet Computer will provide a secure management infrastructure, with the participation of the Monetary Authority of Singapore and others. The project aims to encourage micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in the digital economy, with plans to eventually roll it out in ten countries. Dominic Wil...
The Dfinity Foundation has launched a new Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) -based platform designed to replace traditional cyber security measures. The platform, called Utopia, is a private serverless cloud infrastructure designed for government entities and corporate organizations. Utopia will enable artificial intelligence (AI) to operate securely, allow local management of digital assets, and "allow governments to gain sovereignty". Utopia aims to prevent "unauthorized access, functional chan...
On June 19, DFINITY launched Verified Credentials, a tamper-proof digital identity solution that enables personal data sharing while maintaining privacy and control. Verified Credentials are now available on ICP.
6月19日消息,DFINITY推出无钱包可验证凭证 (Verified Credentials),这是一种防篡改数字身份解决方案,可实现个人数据共享,同时维护隐私和控制。可验证凭证现已在ICP上使用。
On May 23rd, the Dfinity Foundation is launching a new API that will allow Internet computers to read and write smart contracts on any EVM. Internet computer smart contracts have partnered with Bitcoin and Ethereum on projects such as Bioniq, Bitfinity, and Omnity.
DFINITY team member Manu said in the community that ckUSDC has been launched on the mainnet and Proposition 129750 has been passed. ckUSDC is the USDC digital twin token.
DFINITY 团队成员 Manu 在社区表示,ckUSDC 已在主网上线,129750 号提案已通过。ckUSDC 是 USDC 数字孪生代币。