News list for "defender"

OpenZeppelin's Defender security platform now supports contracts on the Holesky testing network

OpenZeppelin's Defender security platform now supports contracts on the Holesky testing network. OpenZeppelin Defender allows developers to integrate security tools, smart contract operations, and automatically execute operations directly within their applications. This platform protects deployed contracts against known risk parameters and has a Code Inspector function that automatically identifies and marks vulnerabilities.

2024-04-04 05:27:21

OpenZeppelin的Defender安全平台现支持Holesky测试网上的合约。OpenZeppelin Defender允许开发人员集成安全工具、智能合约操作,并直接在其应用程序中自动执行操作。该平台针对已知的风险参数保护已部署的合约,并具有自动识别和标记漏洞的代码检查器(Code Inspector)功能。

2024-04-04 05:27:21