News list for "cyberhaven"

Warning: The browser plug-in released by Cyberhaven was implanted with malicious code, and various plug-ins were attacked

The founder of AabyssTeam issued a security alert on X, Cyberhaven security company was attacked by phishing emails, resulting in malicious code implanted in the browser plug-in released by it, trying to read the browser cookies and passwords of uploaded users. Subsequent analysis of the code found that multiple browser plug-ins were attacked, including Proxy SwitchyOmega (V3), etc. These plug-ins affected 500,000 users in the Google Store and have been followed. Slow...

2025-01-12 13:16:40

AabyssTeam 创始人于 X 发布安全预警,Cyberhaven 安全公司被钓鱼邮件攻击,导致其发布的浏览器插件被植入恶意代码,试图读取上传用户的浏览器 Cookie 和密码。后续分析代码,发现多个浏览器插件均被攻击,包含 Proxy SwitchyOmega (V3) 等,这些插件在谷歌商店影响了五十万名用户,目前已经被关注。 慢...

2025-01-12 13:16:40