Curve founder Michael Egorov said on X that he had extended the lock-up period of all veCRV holdings to four years to demonstrate confidence in the long-term development of the project. He also disclosed the specific transaction record of an extended lock-up.
12月19日消息消息,CRV 质押和流动性挖矿一站式平台 Convex Finance 与 Yearn Finance 合作推出去中心化稳定币协议 Resupply。Resupply 将在协议中直接提供内置杠杆循环功能,允许用户选择所需的借贷市场和目标杠杆金额。通过 Resupply,用户可借出稳定币以赚取基础借贷费用,并借用 reUSD 探索其他 DeFi 策略或管理日常开支。此外,用户还可使用借来的 reUSD 向所选的借贷...
According to market data, CRV broke through $1.08 in a short time, rising more than 36% in 24 hours. The market fluctuates greatly, please do a good job in risk control.
The market shows that CRV has broken through $0.4 and is now quoted at $0.3943, with a 24-hour increase of 19.5%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.
Curve's website data shows that Curve's native stablecoin crvUSD has minted more than 120 million, with 120,101,656 as of press time. The value of the collateral based on WBTC is $48.5194 million, the value of the collateral based on wstETH is $17.8399 million, the value of the collateral based on ETH is $40.7181 million, and the value of the collateral based on sfrxETHV2 is about $4.5464 million.
Curve founder Michael Egorov said it will extend its veCRV lock-up until August 31, 2028.
Curve's website data shows that Curve's native stablecoin crvUSD has minted more than 76 million pieces, with 76,057,012 as of press time. The value of the collateral based on WBTC is $121 million, the value of the collateral based on wstETH is $81.9415 million, the value of the collateral based on ETH is $68.9524 million, and the value of the collateral based on sfrxETHV2 is about $2633.32 million.
The official Curve Finance statement said that the inflation rate of CRVs has been reduced to 6.35%, or 375,000 CRVs per day.