News list for "crs"

The US Congressional Research Agency has raised policy issues such as allowing cryptocurrency companies direct access to the Federal Reserve's main account

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has released a report on Federal Reserve policy issues that addresses cryptocurrency and digital currency topics and outlines a number of policy issues that Congress may want to consider, including: Whether cryptocurrency companies and other non-traditional companies with federal or state banking licenses should be granted direct access to the Federal Reserve's discount window and master account. It is reported that the Federal Reserve has previously refu...

2025-02-05 07:05:41

美国国会研究服务处 (CRS) 发布有关美联储政策问题报告,其中涉及加密货币和数字货币主题并概述了国会可能希望考虑的一些政策问题,包括:加密货币公司和其他拥有联邦或州银行执照的非传统公司是否应该被授予直接访问美联储贴现窗口和主账户的权限。据悉,此前美联储在与Custodia Bank的法律纠纷中拒绝提供主账户...

2025-02-05 07:05:41