Digital asset technology company Crossover Markets and digital asset trading institution technology provider Talos have announced that Crossover's CROSSx crypto exchange has been integrated with the Talos trading platform, joining Talos' existing network of suppliers. CROSSx is said to be the first ECN (electronic communication network) to be integrated with Talos. Through this integration, Talos users will "have access to CROSSx's customized liquidity, high-speed trade execution and tight bid-a...
数字资产技术公司 Crossover Markets 和数字资产交易机构技术提供商Talos宣布,Crossover 的 CROSSx 加密交易所已与 Talos 交易平台集成,加入了 Talos 现有的供应商网络。 据称,CROSSx 是首个与 Talos 集成的 ECN(电子通讯网络)。通过此次集成,Talos 用户将“能够访问 CROSSx 定制的流动性、高速交易执行和紧密的买卖价差。CROSSx 不仅旨在降低交易成本,还力求在此过...