Sonic Labs co-founder Andre Cronje said in an X post that the Sonic network had not yet reached full speed (operating in "safety mode" until enough validators migrated), but had independently measured 850 TPS. revealed that TPS reached a maximum of 1620 on December 18. Cronje said: "1620 TPS, not yet a maximum, measured independently. Sonic is a new paradigm." Previously, Sonic Labs announced that its mainnet has been officially launched.
Sonic Labs 联合创始人 Andre Cronje 于 X 发文表示,Sonic 网络尚未达到全速运行状态(在足够多的验证者迁移过来之前,以“安全模式(safety mode)”运行),但已经独立测量到 850 TPS。 披露数据显示,12 月 18 日 TPS 曾达到最大值 1620。Cronje 就此表示:“1620 TPS,尚未达到最大值,独立测量。Sonic 是一种新范式。” 此前消息,Sonic Labs 宣布其主网已正式...
SonicLabs (formerly Fantom) co-founder Andre Cronje said that for all L2 or application chains, the real cost of running a blockchain (even if semi-successful) is: oracle, stablecoin upfront fee is $7.50 million, $3.50 million per year; RPC, index, Dashboards upfront fee is $200,000, $700,000 per year; VRF, Keepers, wallet support, governance $500,000 per year; Explorers, escrow, risk management $800,000 per year...
Sonic Labs co-founder Andre Cronje posted on X that the Sonic mainnet will be available to the public in December 2024. Sonic Key Highlights: Up to 90% of the gas rebate is returned from the user/contract TX to the agreement True 10k tps +//~ 1s TTF native stablecoin Ethereum's Security Gateway Funding is available through Sonic BOOM Funding through the Innovators Fund 200 million Tokens Airdrop
Sonic Labs CTO Andre Cronje said in a post on X that Oracle v4 has been delivered for audit, and this version allows the verification of any off-chain data, including: oracle (price, treasury, proof); tokenization (equity, stablecoin, RWA); bridging. All of this is zero cost for DApps and will only add a small gas fee to users.
Fantom Foundation联合创始人Andre Cronje发文阐述其设计的社区meme币框架。其表示,目标是为社区和投资者创建更安全的环境,以减轻团队出售代币、早期投资者大量出售、流动性被移除以及代币访问控制等风险。 提议允许希望推出社区/模因币的人直接联系,分配最多10%的代币用于营销支出和最多5%用于团队支出。剩余85%的代币...
针对Solana网络拥堵问题,Fantom基金会董事Andre Cronje在X平台发文表示,目前加密社区对Solana的区块空间需求非常大,这其实是他们需要优化的瓶颈,但这个问题只是一个工程障碍,而不是共识错误,也不涉及任何重要组件问题,Solana可谓是“成功的受害者”。
Od社区用户于 X 平台询问 Fantom 基金会董事 Andre Cronje:“让 Fantom 重新赢回信任(迹象包括开发者回归、资金流入等等)的催化剂是什么?” AC 回复表示:“一个人人都可以信赖的跨链桥,该桥需要没有任何外部风险假设,也不存在任何信任因素,谁都无法直接访问底层资产。这就是为什么我们还没有推出 Sonic 的原因,我们目前正忙于桥的整合。”
OdFantom 基金会董事 Andre Cronje 于 X 平台表示,Base 和 Optimism 上的头号 DEX 都是基于其所编写和开创的代码而构建的,其将坚持创新,并将在 Sonic 之后将为加密市场添加一些新的创意。 此前消息,Fantom 基金会宣布推出 Fantom Sonic 测试网,包含全新的虚拟机 FVM、改进的数据库存储 Carmen 和优化的 Lachesis 共识机制,升级不需要硬分叉,Fantom Opera 上现有的智能合约、服务和工具与 Fantom Sonic 完全