News list for "corechain"

Coinbase: BLAST, ZRO and CORECHAIN are now available to German residents

BLAST, ZRO and CORECHAIN are now available to residents of Germany who can buy, sell, convert, send, receive or store these assets by logging into the Coinbase website and iOS and Android apps.

2024-07-10 10:32:06

据 Coinbase Assets 在 X 平台宣布,BLAST、ZRO 和 CORECHAIN 现已向德国居民开放,用户可以登录 Coinbase 网站以及 iOS 和 Android 应用程序购买、出售、转换、发送、接收或存储这些资产。

2024-07-10 10:32:06
Coinbase has launched Core (CORECHAIN)

Core (CORECHAIN) is now available on the Coinbase website and in the Coinbase iOS and Android apps. Coinbase customers can log in to buy, sell, exchange, send, receive or store these assets.

2024-06-22 00:49:49

Coinbase Assets 在 X 平台发文表示,Core (CORECHAIN)现已在 Coinbase 网站和 Coinbase iOS 和 Android 应用程序中上线。Coinbase 客户可以登录来购买、出售、兑换、发送、接收或存储这些资产。

2024-06-22 00:49:49
Coinbase adds Core (CORECHAIN) to its roadmap

According to official news, Coin base has included Core (CORECHAIN) in the listing roadmap. It is reported that Coin base has previously decided to improve asset transparency by listing the assets that have been decided to go live in advance and moving them to the roadmap.

2024-05-25 01:58:40

据官方消息,­Coin­base 将 Core(CORECHAIN)列入上币路线图。 据悉,­Coin­base 此前决定为提高资产透明度,将提前列出已决定上线的资产,并移至路线图。

2024-05-25 01:58:40