News list for "cointribune"

WSPN CEO: Stablecoin market cap hits record high, reflecting growing demand for stability

On August 29th, according to CoinTribune, the total market capitalization of the stablecoin market exceeded $168.10 billion, setting a new record high. This milestone event reflects the growing demand for stability in the cryptocurrency market. Raymond Yuan, founder and CEO of WSPN (Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network), said: "The breakthrough in stablecoin market cap reflects the strong demand for stability and trust in the crypto ecosystem. At WSPN, we see this as a clear sign of the maturati...

2024-08-29 11:02:50
WSPN CEO:稳定币市值创历史新高反映了市场对稳定性的需求日益增长

8月29日消息,据CoinTribune报道,稳定币市场总市值突破1681亿美元,创下历史新高。这一里程碑事件反映了加密货币市场对稳定性的需求日益增长。 WSPN(Worldwide Stablecoin Payment Network) 创始人兼CEO Raymond Yuan表示:"稳定币市值的突破反映了加密生态系统对稳定性和信任的强烈需求。在WSPN,我们将此视为市场日趋成熟的明确信号。我们的Stab...

2024-08-29 11:02:50