Mike Alfred 在 X 平台发文表示:“特朗普政府准备在周五的加密峰会上宣布对加密货币交易实行零资本利得税。” 对此 Cinneamhain Ventures 合伙人 Adam Cochran 表示:“ Mike 因为我反复核实他的事实而拉黑了我,但这并不能阻止我。总统不能单方面修改税法。只有国会才可以。这是宪法明确规定的少数国会权力之一。即使总统宣布该决定,或试图为其签署行政...
On August 10, Adam Cochran, a partner at Cinneamhain Ventures, posted on social media that there is a subtle reason for the sharp slowdown in venture capital firms' investment in cryptocurrencies. Most venture capital firms have limited partners (LPs), and LPs are mainly interested in returns beyond index funds. But in the medium term, only...
8 月 10 日消息,Cinneamhain Ventures 合伙人 Adam Cochran 在社交媒体上发文表示,风险投资公司对加密货币的投资速度大幅放缓,其中有一个微妙的原因。大多数风险投资公司都有有限合伙人 (LP),而 LP 主要对超越指数基金的回报感兴趣。但从中期来看,仅...
On July 22, CEHV partner Adam Cochran wrote on the X platform that although Harris has no public position on cryptocurrencies, many people related to him have expressed support: Buttigieg (a potential running mate) said it should be a commodity rather than a security; Shapiro (a potential running mate) authorized cryptocurrency as Pennsylvania's "currency" while serving in the state banking department; Montoya, one of her former advisers to the advance team, is a proponent of cryptocurrencies. H...
On June 24th, CEHV partner Adam Cochran responded to Jupiter co-founder Meow in X, saying that each project and its community are building their own chains, and Bryan Pellegrino (CEO of LayerZero) is like Mario building pipelines between these chains. This bridge is faster and more flexible than other participants who build longer. Chainlink is to oracles what LayerZero is to cross-chain communication.
Adam Cochran, founder of Cinneamhain Ventures, said that the continued lack of clarity on Ethereum regulation by Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairperson Gary Gensler, and the SEC's unstable and vague stance on the classification of Ethereum, could hinder innovation in the cryptocurrency space and create a lot of uncertainty.
Cinneamhain Ventures创始人Adam Cochran表示,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 主席Gary Gensler对以太坊监管持续缺乏明确性,美国SEC对以太坊分类的不稳定和模糊立场上,这可能会阻碍加密货币领域的创新并造成很大的不确定性。