Clearstream, the post-trading arm of Deutsche Boerse, has announced that it will begin offering cryptocurrency settlement and custody services to institutional clients in April this year. According to a statement released by Clearstream on March 11, the company plans to provide bitcoin and ethereum services to its 2,500 clients through its holding subsidiary Crypto Finance as a sub-custodian. Clearstream also plans to expand support for other cryptocurrencies in the future, and provide services ...
德意志交易所(Deutsche Boerse)的后交易部门 Clearstream 宣布将于今年 4 月开始为机构客户提供加密货币结算和托管服务。 根据 Clearstream 3 月 11 日发布的声明,该公司计划通过其控股子公司 Crypto Finance 作为次级托管人,为其 2500 家客户提供比特币和以太坊服务。Clearstream 未来还计划扩展支持其他加密货币,并提供质押、借贷和经纪等服务。
HQLAx confirmed its involvement in an intraday repo transaction during which Goldman borrowed cash from Clearstream in exchange for collateral held on the HQLAx DLT platform. The transaction was part of the European Central Bank's (ECB) trial of wholesale DLT settlement using central bank funds. In this case, the cash portion of the transaction used the Bundesbank's Trigger solution. Although HQLAx has participated in several delivery versus payment (DvP) repurchase simulations, this is the firs...
HQLAx证实其参与了一项日内回购交易,期间高盛从 Clearstream 借入现金,以换取 HQLAx DLT 平台上持有的抵押品。该交易是欧洲央行(ECB)使用中央银行资金进行批发 DLT 结算试验的一部分。在这种情况下,交易的现金部分使用了德国央行的 Trigger 解决方案。 虽然 HQLAx参与了几次交割对付款(DvP)回购模拟,但这是第一笔涉及真实现金结算的...
Deutsche Bo ̈ rse Clearstream has announced that its digital securities platform D7 has issued more than 10 billion euros (11 billion dollars) of digital bonds. Currently, D7 is mainly used for two types of issuance, namely large digital bonds and structured products. From a technical perspective, the D7 platform uses DAML smart contracts, and the latest version of DAML supports the Canton blockchain. Previously, Clearstream also participated in a practical trial using the digital currency CBDC...
The finance ministry of the German state of Saxony-Anhalt used Deutsche Bo ̈ rse's Clearstream D7 platform to issue commercial paper worth 50 million euros. The issue was part of the European Central Bank's wholesale DLT settlement experiment. As a result, according to Jens Hachmeister of Clearstream, the transaction was settled using the Bundesbank's triggered payment solution. The trigger solution is designed to interoperate with the blockchain to support DLT payments. It triggers payments on...
德国萨克森-安哈尔特州财政部利用德意志交易所的Clearstream D7 平台发行了价值 5000 万欧元的商业票据。此次发行是欧洲央行批发 DLT 结算试验的一部分。因此,据 Clearstream 的 Jens Hachmeister 称,该交易是使用德国央行的触发支付解决方案结算的。 触发解决方案旨在与区块链互操作以支持 DLT 支付。它触发 TARGET2 实时总结算系统上的支付。苏格兰皇家银行 (Natwest) 担任该商业票据的经销商,德卡银...
On May 29, DTCC, Euroclear, and Clearstreem announced that they are working with The Boston Consulting Group to develop a "blueprint" for the global digital asset ecosystem. The document, titled "Advancing the Digital Asset Era Together," is said to involve a review of around 100 regulations and white papers from multiple jurisdictions, as well as more than 20 interviews with various market participants and technology vendors. The above blueprint includes the following six principles: legal cert...
5月29日消息,DTCC、Euroclear和Clearstreem宣布正在与波士顿咨询集团合作,为全球数字资产生态系统制定一份“蓝图”。据称,这份名为《共同推进数字资产时代》的文件涉及审查多个司法管辖区的大约100份法规和白皮书,以及对各种市场参与者和技术供应商的20多次采访。 上述蓝图包括以下六项原则:法律确定性、监管...
Clearstream计划扩大其数字证券平台至担保领域,将投资于Digital Vault Services(DVS),这是一家数字化发行和托管的集中式平台。投资需获得监管批准。这次投资的中期目标是将DVS解决方案整合到Clearstream的数字证券平台D7中,以扩展其支持范围。DVS将为企业发行人、银行担保人和受益人提供类似于中央证券存管机构的服务。Clearstream相信其市场基...