News list for "chaos"

Solayer founder: LIBRA losses exceed 2 million dollars, will not sit still

Chao fan Shou, the founder of Solayer, posted on social media that he and Solayer engineer @tonykebot had lost more than $2 million on LIBRA, posted a list of the core members of KIPProtocol, the team behind LIBRA (visible on the official website), and posted "Let's see what two hacks and a free weekend can bring us."

2025-02-15 05:27:20
Trump 2.0 shows the chaotic nature, and the United States has sharpened its knives to the European Union... Click to view...

Trump 2.0 shows the chaotic nature, and the United States has sharpened its knives to the European Union... Click to view...

2025-02-03 23:25:43
HashKey Capital CEO: This year VCs will focus on stablecoin products, RWA, artificial intelligence and infrastructure

HashKey Capital CEO Deng Chao said crypto projects will attract more venture capital funding in 2025. VC firms are looking at stablecoin offerings, real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, artificial intelligence and infrastructure. Chao said that the rise in digital asset valuations in 2024 and the benefits of Donald Trump's re-election in the United States will attract more venture capital capital into crypto projects. Chao said: "As we enter the market for crypto projects...

2025-01-03 20:13:24
According to Yonhap News Agency, in order to avoid chaos, South Korean Acting President Han Duk-soo will be suspended in accordance with relevant laws.

According to Yonhap News Agency, in order to avoid chaos, South Korean Acting President Han Duk-soo will be suspended in accordance with relevant laws.

2024-12-27 07:51:14
Xi Jinping: China will not allow war or chaos on the Korean Peninsula

On November 17, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Biden in Lima on the afternoon of November 16 local time. Xi Jinping pointed out that China's position and actions on the Ukrainian issue have always been open and honest, that is, to mediate, persuade peace and promote talks, run for peace, and work to cool down the situation. China will not allow war and chaos on the Korean Peninsula, and will not sit idly by while China's strategic security and core interests are th...

2024-11-17 00:41:09
Chaos Labs will launch Chaos Chain

On November 12, Chaos Labs, an on-chain risk analysis platform, announced at The Chaos Summit that it is creating an Internet reputation system and will also launch Chaos Chain.

2024-11-12 10:23:39
Chaos Labs将推出Chaos Chain

11月12日消息,链上风险分析平台 Chaos Labs 在 The Chaos Summit 大会上宣布正在创建一个互联网声誉系统,还将推出 Chaos Chain。

2024-11-12 10:23:39
Foreign media: Polymarket is rife with fake "wash" transactions

According to Fortune magazine, analysts at blockchain firm Chaos Labs and Inca Digital have found rampant wash trading on Polymarket. They found signs of fake trading activity in Polymarket, where buying and selling are often done simultaneously and repeatedly to create the illusion of volume and activity. Chaos Labs found that fake trading accounts for about a third of the US Presidential Election market volume on Polymarket, while Inca Digital found that a significant portion of the market vol...

2024-10-30 14:40:18
外媒:Polymarket 上充斥着虚假“洗盘”交易

据《财富》杂志报道,区块链公司 Chaos Labs 和 Inca Digital 的分析师发现,Polymarket 上存在猖獗的洗盘交易,他们发现 Polymarket 的活动存在虚假交易迹象,买卖通常会同时且反复进行,以制造交易量和活跃的假象。Chaos Labs 发现,虚假交易约占 Polymarket 上美国总统大选市场交易量的三分之一,而 Inca Digital 则发现,市场很大一部分交易量可能归因于潜在的虚假交易。 Chaos Labs 和 I...

2024-10-30 14:40:18
Morpho loses about $230,000 due to oracle misconfiguration

Chaos Labs founder Omer tweeted that the PAXG/USDC market on Morpho lost about $230,000 due to an oracle misconfiguration. Specifically, Oracle on Morpho SCALE_FACTOR misconfigured and failed to account for the difference between USDC (6 decimal places) and PAXG (18 decimal places), which caused the PAXG price to inflate by 12 digits, and security monitoring may focus on the reference price rather than the calculated oracle price. Eventually the attacker deposited $350 in PAXG and loaned $230,00...

2024-10-14 02:35:46
Morpho 因预言机配置错误损失约 23 万美元

Chaos Labs创始人omer发推表示,Morpho上的PAXG/USDC市场因预言机配置错误损失约23万美元。具体而言,Morpho上的Oracle SCALE_FACTOR配置错误,未能考虑USDC(6位小数)和PAXG(18位小数)之间的差异,这导致PAXG价格出现了12位数的膨胀,且安全监控可能侧重于参考价格而非计算后的预言机价格。 最终攻击者存入350美元的PAXG,并贷出了价值23万美元的USDC。

2024-10-14 02:35:46
Wintermute to Launch Prediction Market OutcomeMarket Next Week

Wintermute is using Chaos Labs' Edge Proofs Oracle to develop a new prediction market product, OutcomeMarket, which will initially launch a betting market for TRUMP and HARRIS tokens (the US election theme). Wintermute plans to launch OutcomeMarket on multiple networks next week, including the Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, and Base. Wintermute also plans to use trading platforms Bebop, WOO, and Backpack as market makers for two initial ERC-20 token markets, and will expand to more markets.

2024-09-17 16:33:17

Wintermute 正在利用 Chaos Labs 的 Edge Proofs Oracle 开发新预测市场产品 OutcomeMarket,该产品将首先推出 TRUMP 和 HARRIS 代币(美国大选题材)的投注市场。 Wintermute 计划下周在多个网络上推出 OutcomeMarket,包括以太坊主网、Arbitrum 和 Base。Wintermute 还计划利用交易平台 Bebop、WOO 和 Backpack 作为两个初始 ERC-20 代币市场的做市商,并且将扩展到更多市场。

2024-09-17 16:33:17
The dYdX Foundation: As part of the sixth season of the Chaos Labs Launch Incentive Program, has voted to allocate $5 million worth of DYDX to traders

The dYdX Foundation announced in a post on the X platform that as part of the sixth season of the Chaos Labs Launch incentive program, the community has voted to allocate $5 million worth of DYDX to traders. 44 out of 60 Active Set validators and 748 accounts voted in favor, of which 81.74% voted in favor.

2024-09-15 09:12:48
dYdX基金会:作为Chaos Labs Launch激励项目第六季的一部分,已投票通过向交易者分配价值500万美元的DYDX

dYdX基金会在X平台发文宣布,作为Chaos Labs Launch激励项目第六季的一部分,社区已投票通过向交易者分配价值500万美元的DYDX,60个Active Set验证者中的44个、以及748个账户进行了投票,其中赞成票比例为81.74%。

2024-09-15 09:12:48

7x24 Newsflash

20:51 2025-03-13
贝莱德 BUIDL 代币化基金今日突破 10 亿美元资产规模,成为目前全球规模最大的链上国债基金。链上数据显示,3 月 14 日 18:47 UTC,Ethena 铸造了 2 亿美元的 BUIDL 代币,推动基金规模突破 10 亿美元。
20:42 2025-03-13
分析师:华尔街掀起淘金热 但投资者应保持警惕
分析师Karishma Vanjani表示,华尔街正掀起淘金热,但投资者应该要小心。摩根大通和高盛建议继续持有黄金,法巴银行刚刚上调了对金价的预测,而几个月来贝莱德一直建议购买黄金来分散投资组合。到目前为止,这些建议都是正确的。但...
20:39 2025-03-13
黄金期货近月合约收于历史新高,收盘上涨1.5%,至每盎司2984.30美元。期金已连续第三个交易日收高,累涨3.2%。随着主要股指进入或接近调整区间,金价上涨至接近每盎司3000美元的水平。瑞穗证券美国能源期货部门主管Robert Yawger在一份报告中表示,与关税相关的不确定性正在推动投资者向安全资产外逃,并推动黄金价格上涨。他表示:“除了把现金存放在创历史新高...
20:39 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
20:30 2025-03-13
普京就俄乌停火表态 特朗普、泽连斯基分别发声
20:30 2025-03-13
20:12 2025-03-13
ARK Invest增持8000万美元比特币
据 Arkham 监测,ARK Invest 今日从 Coinbase 获得价值超 8000 万美元的比特币。
20:06 2025-03-13
20:01 2025-03-13
美股收盘:纳指跌近2% 苹果跌超3%
19:50 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
19:48 2025-03-13
以太坊核心开发者宣布,新测试网 Hooli 将于 3 月 17 日上线,用于最终测试 Pectra 升级,目标是在 4 月底至 5 月初部署至主网。此前,Pectra 在 Sepolia 和 Holesky 测试网因配置错误测试失败,Holesky 一度宕机数周。Hooli 将在 3 月 26 日进行 Pectra 测试升级,若成功,开发者计划 30 天后启动主网升级。
19:33 2025-03-13
据rwa.xyz数据显示,自 1 月底以来,美国国债支持的代币总市值增长了 8 亿美元,周三创下了 42 亿美元的历史新高。 现实世界资产平台 Ondo Finance (ONDO) 的产品,短期债券支持的 OUSG 和 USDY 代币,总价值攀升至近 10 亿美元,过去一个月市值飙升 53%。由资产管理公司贝莱德和代币化公司 Securitize 联合发行的代币 BUIDL 在同一时期上涨了 25%,超过 8 亿美元...